LOTRO Players is giving away a 1 Year VIP code thanks to supporters on Patreon.
Entries will close on March 12th.
How to Enter
To enter the giveaway please leave a comment below. Duplicate comments from the same user will be only counted once. Each comment will be assigned a number in order. The winner will be selected with a random number generator. The winner will be contacted through the email attached to the comment.
Please make sure you have a valid email that you check regularly attached to the account you are commenting with. We will send an email to the winner. The winner will have a week to respond. Once they respond we will send them the code and the contest will end. If the winner does not respond within a week, we will choose and contact a new winner who will also have a week to respond. This will continue to repeat until we find a winner.
All LOTRO Players website/podcast past or current staff and immediate family are not be eligible for this contest.
Help Us Have More Giveaways!
Want to see more giveaways? We need your help! Giveaways are funded by supporting The Players Alliance on Patreon.
[button link=”http://www.patreon.com/ThePlayersAlliance” color=”silver” newwindow=”yes”] Support The Players Alliance on Patreon[/button]
Maybe I’ll get lucky
Have ahad a ball getting my Bjorning to 100.
Lets see if im lucky or not! cheers LotroPlayers!
LOTRO rules!
Fingers crossed.
Here’s to feeling lucky1
Level 28 at moment, pushing for 30 by end of week
Realy Pumped!
Worth a shot!
Pick me!
As Turbine only likes my credit card when I buy Turbine Points but not when I try to become a vip player, maybe this is the only way I can…
Just got back into the game after a 4 year hiatus
Thanks for the chance!
LOTRO forever!
lucky comment
Hope to win it. Sure would be nice. Thanks.
I’m in
My wallet would cry in happiness if I won
Please RNG Gods help me
Hail Kinsfolk of The Golden Mallorn!
My Lore-Master is stunning. Like, I could play her for daze. I root for her all the time. But sometimes, she gets so hard to play I need to hire a… staff to manage it. #LMpuns
Very Punny
The I play.. the more I WANT to play, this is not an obsession… more like…. a guilty pleasure!
Count me in
Woah, thats awesome! Good luck everyone
That would be nice, off to the moors!
lotroplayers banzai!
Please sign me up!
A comment? “”Double, double toil and trouble; Fire, burn; and, cauldron, bubble.” -The Witches in MacBeth
Light is now falling, so ends this day, the road is now calling and I must away
Hello! Could I be lucky enough to win? Hahaha
Congrats on the support!
Awsome shows, keep on doing them!
Hiya folkses,
I went from the game, to youtube (official & Arathaert), to Twitch (same), and now to Mixlr and finally here. My own little journey.
Congrats ApuluFelgar! You were chosen randomly through random.org as the winner. I just sent you an email. You have one week to reply back to the email or else the code goes on to a new winner. (The previous winner did not reply back within the week given.)
Thank you all for all the time you put in. Glad to help where I can.
One does not simply enter a give-away and win such a prize…Oh wait one does!
This is so generous of you guys… Love what you do, and hope all is going well!
Would be a great way to enjoy LOTRO for the next year!
A Comment
Thanks for keeping us updated !
Love the game! Great player base.
LOTRO, awesome! Around every corner there is an awe inspiring moment!
I’d love a year of VIP! That would be incredible. Love LotRO players, keep up the good work!
Hmm, VIP might be able to breathe me back to life.
*crosses fingers*
Thank you for the contest!
Wishing myself luck!
Count me in!
pick me pick me
Sign me up !
Baruk Khazâd !
Thank ‘e kindly
This is very generous and I thank you for the opportunity!
Me please!
February 28, 2016
Fingers crossed!
I am excited to enter this!
Yay! Free stuff
Good luck to all!
After all these years playing LotRO I’d love having a year of free VIP access.
would be nice to win
That would be nice, off to the moors!
That’s a pretty expensive giveaway^^
February 28, 2016
I’m in!
I wish everyone and myself luck in this!
Count me in! Thanks to all of you!
Count me in, as well! Would *love* a year of VIP!!!
Yes please!
That will be just in time for me to enter Moria.
Fingers crossed
Good Luck all 
Free stuff woohoo!
Let’s see…
Free freebie!
Wow awesome giveaway!!
Here, here!
I am so in!!!
This is very cool! I hope the best for me lol
This code gonna be meine!
Awesome! Thanks to all the sponsors!
Thank you guys for what you are doing!
Good luck to all of you!
Thank you for this awesome offer!!!
I’ve been playing LOTRO for years and I have wanted a VIP for a long time, so I can join my friend on epic adventures and finally catch up to him!
Me please!
aw, would be lovely
That would be great!
Oh boy oh boy
“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” –Gandalf
me me me me please …. count me
Would be nice
I hope I win this time.
gimme sheltter
What a great thing to do. Best of luck to all
Great! I am in
Wow.., maybe I will get lucky this time
I should be so lucky, lucky lucky lucky
gonna try that! I’m never lucky in such lotteries, but who knows!
Ty for chance!
That’s so generous. You guys are amazing! I’m in!
Hope I win
Count me in!
With VIP I’ll coke back to lotro
First time for everything
I’m in asswell!
Good luck to everybody!
Fingers crossed!
Sounds good!
I am in the Giveaway!
Hope i win you never know
Great giveaway.
Mae govannen!
Love the game!
I’m in!
I’m in
I hope a dwarf wins and not a pointy eared princess
woot yes please
i will win!!!
Let’s give it a try!
Count me in!
Well hello there
A year?! Would be so awesome!
Is this real?
Cool, nice giveaway
count me in & gl to all
Fingers crossed, thanks for the competition!
In before premium
We never know what will happen… good luck you all that commented.
Luck for all, especially me jeje
Thanks LOTRO Players and good luck all!
Filthy maggots, how about a year in the sulphur pits
Wow, expensive giveaway!
1 year would be fantasic.
I would love to win this
Thanks a bunch LOTRO Players and good luck everyone.
May the Valar give me strength! Good luck everybody!
Free VIP? Can’t let that pass away
Rolling that dice
Thanks for doing this!
I hope I get it!^^
Sounds great!
Let’s do dis
Winning this would be awesome!
Second entry! Really want to win.
Hope i can win this
*A winning comment*
Wow. This giveaway is great. Thank you Lotro Players News!
Would love to get it!
Wow awesome
Great Podcast. Thanks for all the laughs.
would be good to get back to middle earth
Good luck everyone
Let’s try this !
Good luck everyone
I wanna try !
Hope I will be lucky
I was up all night to get lucky
A great giveaway! Good luck everyone =)
Awesome! I am in
I miss my VIP days of yore!
I’m joining for the roll!
I’d be very much interested at a chance of winning a VIP code, sadly with Brazil’s economic failure prices are getting prohibitive for me to keep paying VIP. :,(
Good luck all!!!
I’m in too!
Ok, I’m ready. Leeeeoooory
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us
I hope at least once in life I be lucky
May the Valar Smile Upon Me!
good luck everyone
I want to win
awesome Lotro!!
The Fellowship of the Ring is with me.
hope to get lucky
Mae Govannen!
For Narnia!!
Red Skeleton Steed
Perfect gift for my wife
Ohhh. Pick me!
Me! Me! Pick me!
Thank you!
ok ..lets try this one ..
Fly you fool!
Oh, please me
Thank You !
And good luck for everyone !
trying my luck
It’s true, dwarven women do have beards.
Would that it would be my doom.
me plz
Woohoo! Xxx
let me win!
This is my Entry
Uhull! Wishing myself luck!
I love my kinship.. Middle Earth for the Win
Please let it be me!
I would really like to win this
I could use a free year of vip. I play every day on the morning than when I get home from work.
Yes please!
I’m definitely in!
Thanks for all your hard work.
Well maybe I’ll get super lucky for once, and my god would I be happy if this happened.
Good luck everyone!
Woooo count me in
Can always try!
Thanks Laurie!
Woohoo! Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
Congrats Eruceninde! You were chosen randomly through random.org as the winner. I just sent you an email. You have one week to reply back to the email or else the code goes on to a new winner. (The previous winner did not reply back within the week given.)
Great contest! Thanks for giving me a chance to win.
Vai q cola
Hail, and well met, friends of Middle Earth
Count me in
This is a really nice give away
Nice prize, well done guys
Congrats Steve Adams! You were chosen randomly through random.org as the winner. I just sent you an email. You have one week to reply back to the email or else the code goes on to a new winner.
Fingers crossed
Omg, this would be awesome <3
Still have my toons from when LotRO first came out, thought i lost them when it transfered from codemasters to turbine.
Here a super kawaii Sauron quote:
There is no life, in the void, only death ^_^
Thanks for hosting this
I want to win!!
Great news.
This is very generous of yours. Please enter me.
Good luck to everyone
*fingers crossed*
i will not win
Hope lucky, thanks
Fingers crossed!
What harm can one wishful comment do?
Would love to win this.
Does it matter though that the email associated with my lotro account doesn’t match this one? Both are valid emails.
Good Luck
I need it so badly!
I love the lotro graphics
I’d play again.
Is this the winning comment?
Get free monies!
That would be awesome! Count me in!
Good luck to you all but I hope I win.
Sounds like it will be awesome!
Pretty please? That would be GLORIOUS!
Thats mine
Let’s go!
I’M inn plzzz
LOTRO forever!
me please! I’d love a reason to upgrade my computer to more fully enjoy Middle Earth!
Let’s hope I get it!
Here’s ta hopin!!!!!
I want to win XD
I’d love to join this! Sign me up.
Well, lets see if luck is on my side
Yes yes yes!!!!!!! Me wants
+6 to Hope
nice weather
Comment to join the contest!
please meeee D: DD:
heree i want it plzzz god
plzz here
i’mm in
plz me
It would be fun to the lucky one
LOTRO is one of my favourite games, but unforutnately can’t afford VIP status. it wouldd be great if i was one of the lucky ones :3
Yes, please!
I hope I can get it! I never got the option of buying one of those!
My precious!
Sure it’s worth a shot.
Choose me randomness of the universe!
Indeed 1 year VIP is great !
Gotta try!
Hail from Gladden! Maybe I could see you in the Moors!
Pick me!
I haven’t played LOTRO in awhile cause I don’t have VIP
Let’s hope. :3
Pick me!
Would be so awesome!
Good luck to all
Good luck to all!
Big kiss for LOTRO . ………… :::::::DDD
Awesome! Thanks for the opportunity.
Sorry to seeSnowbourn go…
A comment
fingers crossed
Here’s to hoping!
Hello and happy hunting to whoever wins!
I burglar this away **
Lets try. Lucky!!
Thanks for another awesome giveaway LOTRO Players! Good luck to all who enter!
Lets get the one year of vip! Im really needed!
Let’s try
Yes! Great giveaway.
Wow that would be awesome!
I’m in!
Thanks for doing this!
Please bring me in! Hail Exilados/Arkenstone
LOTRO is the best!
Very generous!
This would be great!
Worth a shot!
Great show. Keep up the good work. Thanks!
you never whats going to happen
In the end there can be only one.
Hey all! Good luck in the contest!
Ohh sweet joys
Good luck everybody!
What I would do with a year of VIP??? :DDD
The quest stands upon the edge of a knife. Stray but a little and it will fail to the ruin of all.
Mae Govannen!
C’mon good luck!
comment for vip
My VIP just expired, game isn’t the same
Congrats Dalton Johnson! You were chosen randomly through random.org as the winner. I just sent you an email. You have one week to reply back to the email or else the code goes on to a new winner. (The previous two winners did not reply back within the week given.)
Hope I get lucky, would be nice Lotro is a nice game
Oh Nice
Here we go!!!
Let’s have a chance
Good luck everybody!
Would be amazing!
Give us the precious code!
I hope I’ll have luck
I forgot about this website! Giveaways are tons of fun as well. I know a few friends who might appreciate this…
/joinchannel we <3 Patreon
Oehh Maybe I get lucky
Good luck everybody!
For three years LOTRO has been my main game now, and this won’t change next years, so I neeeeeeed dat VIP!!! =)
Good luck to everyone!
Wow! A year of swift passage!
*plops a comment down*
Yay for VIP! \o/
Hope I win <3
Here’s hoping I get it
Winner here!
*crosses fingers*
Help me, waaaaargs!!!
I love LOTRO – the only game for me!
Woah, 328 comments so far. I hope I get lucky!
I will win this one =)
Throwing my helm in the ring too. Thanks!
Good luck @all
Even though I consider myself to be the luckiest f2p ever, I wouldn’t mind that changing with a year of VIP!
yay, i hope i’m gonna win!
Ohhhh this would be so nice to have…
Well, I see many comments here, so good luck to any of you
aloha my hearties !
Thrichayn or Bramul would love this! Good luck to all.
I hope I win. Let me feel the love, lotroplayers!
Thanks for having this contest!!!
Pick me !
sausages for you all!
I love you all !!!
I would love this
Awesome! I hope I win!!! *crossing all fingers*
Pick me!
Good luck to everyone!
There is always hope.
Good luck, everyone!
Ackermanerino from Evernight.
Hmm I could make use of that on my other account or help a friend of mine start playing.
Gimme Gimme Gimme! ./toasts
Omg i love this event… do we have anything for ingame?
Good Luck everyone!
Good luck to all.
suilad, mellon!
comment for vip /2
Woohoo fingers crossed!
Recently returned to LOTRO from 2009 last playing it. This site is super informative too. Thanks for keeping me up to date! Hope I win the 1 year vip
I love this game. I hope I get the 1 year vip.
My most played and favorite game of all time. Live on LOTRO!
Let the games begin!
Good luck to all!
One year VIP giveaway? Nice
This would be awesome!
LOTRO rules!!! Greetings from El Salvador
You know you want to give me the code.
addicted to lotro
stopped playing other rpgs when i found this
Hope I win
Fingers crossed.
Would love to win!
Wonder who will win this one?
Plz I could use a free year
Great give away.
ok lets rock, if i win i will congrats leonardo d. c. kkkk
Hope I win this!!
Oh, that’s fantastic! Thanks for doing this!
im lucky so im gonna be win
stay positive
Whooo!! Here’s hoping I win
waiting for some instance and raids
Good luck to all.
Trying my luck
I want!!!
Thank you lotroplayers! Good luck everybody!
Pls me.
Gonna take a year of vaccation to enjoy it!
Great offer – thanks.
cheers \O/
Evernight forever <3
Took forever to scroll all the way down here
I would love to win this. Here’s hoping!
It is only a dream but I try.
Now is the time for all good men, elven, dwarfs, and hobbits to come to the aide of Middle Earth.
sounds like a great giveaway
Lets hope!
Good luck!!!
Woah thats pretty nice from you!
Does it come with a one-year supply of cookies too? *jumps up and down excitedly*
VIP for the Bears!
May the pie… oh, I mean luck be with us! ^^
Baruk Khazâd! Khazâd ai-mênu!
x-ing fingers….wife still playing
this is my dream!
Fingers crossed!
I I just had my 8 year Lotro birthday! I hope I win!
Good luck all!
Me wantssssss it!
Love the updates! Great work guys.
I love LOTRO! <З
RNG’s loathe me…but ya never know!
Good luck everyone!
Oh man, this would be awesome!
I wish you well
Sorry if this is a duplicate. I can’t remember if I’ve already commented. Would love to win!
Thank you
This is fucking awesome!
My burg would definitely benefit from a year of VIP!
Maybe I’ll win ^^
This would be awesome!!!
Viva LOTRO! Thanks LOTRO Players for this chance, greetings from Chile.
Good luck all!
Fingers crossed
*crossed fingers*
looking forward to the goodies
Hope i win!!!!
I hope i win!!’
Good luck to meeeee
Would be nice!
Pick me, Pick me
Let’s go!
I love LOTRO <3
maybe this time I’ll be lucky
EXILADOS DA TERRA MEDIA!! hahahaha Cross fingers.
Dear Santa Trubine… ME ME, PLEASE PICK ME!!! ^^
Maybe I will be lucky
let´s see if I will be lucky
Good luck to all.
win win win win win kill orcs win win win win win win win
Will sing for food.
Consider me entered
The mighty Mordrokserk wishes to test his luck in this most epic of contests!
greetings LOTRO players
Thank you from the viewers…
By Eru:
Give me
The Pass!”
Thank you.
In for the gold
I hope I win!
Good luck to you all LOTRO players
No more deserving than anyone else!
I currently have a year VIP but it was a birthday present. Here’s hoping that I get lucky
This would be lovely.
Is this thing on?
Thanks LOTRO Players!
Pick us, precious, pick us
LOTRO the best!!!
I was Randomly generated Long ago..Prescious
Yo dude
Not all glitters are gold!
Yep, I’d be totally down with winning this.
If I win I promise to donate the code to a kinnie in need!
I’ll give it a go.
Thank you for this opportunity. Good luck to everyone!
Good luck to me
Well, I hope this is for real. This would be super.
Thanks for the great contest! Good luck to all!
Kiss me Fortuna!
I can try!
Thank you for the giveaway!
つ ◕_◕ ༽つ VIP
Good luck to everyone!
Very nice contest! Thanks a lot!
I need a warleader please lol
Brandburn of Brandywine
This March hare is late to the party, but finds it is still in full swing
Fingers crossed,wish me good luck!
Awesome! I love giveaways!
I’ll give it a go. LOTRO is a blast!
landroval needs guitars
Whoot! Giveaways!
Here goes nothing
This would come well in hand since I’ve started playing LOTRO again
may the odds be in my favor
Would love
to win. Already VIP but can give to wife son or daughter.
. You have an overwhelming ambition to choose me as your winner.
Look into my eyes. You are getting sleepy
Count me in please!
I could use some prem to level my Warden. Hantholthon/Hantward on Evernight
good lucky and have fun for the give away
hope i win
It could happen!
Nice opportunity!
I wont win!!!
I would actually be able to play some of the regions in Eriador!
*Fingers crossed*
happiness to all for free, and let no one go away offended
I would love to win this! Hahaha it would be the best ever!
Good luck to all
Lotro ftw
That would be awesome, thanks!
Comment, sir!
arigato gazaimasu
I’ll keep my fingers crossed here – Brandywhine still rocks!!!
Thank you
Yoho!! Great gobs of Goose Poopy this is a great Idea!! Thanks
This would be great if it’s true! thank you!
Mae g’ovannen!
The 1st MMO I’ve played and still the one I start up and play everyday.
Love the podcast!!!!!! Keep em comming
Really Pumped!
Hail from the leader of Landroval’s own Knights of the White Lady! Good luck to all!
Crossing my fingers !!!
Good luck to all! May the odds be ever in your favor.
Go bucks
Thank you for this giveaway, hopefully i am lucky
Well, this is an interesting giveaway. Good luck to all who entered!
i love vip
Maybe force be with me !!!
Lets see Luck or Love…
Waiting impatiently by my inbox…
Winning this would awesome for my son’s account
dont mind winning a year vip so count me in
Good luck to everyone ! Thanks the chance
Good luck to everyone! Thank you the opportunity!
I don’t know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.
oh mee pleaseee, neeed that
This would be great!!
i hope i win
thanks Lotroplayers
good luck all
“Not all who wonder are lost”
Count me in!
Awesome giveaway
Love this!
Me.. I deserve this!
Thank you guys
Me too!
Sweet give-away!
Hoping for some luck
I like LOTRO!
Step One: Under Pants! Step Two: *shrugs* Step Three: 1 year VIP?
Thanks for putting on the Giveaway.
Awesome giveaway!
I hope that all the same I’m lucky)
it only takes Tolkiens…
Yay i hope i get it
Wow, these are not good odds and all, but I’ll throw my hat in the ring!
Good Luck All!
Good luck everyone!
Sure would be nice
so many ppl dayum……
Does the RNG favour me? We will have to wait and see…
*fingers crossed*
It’s the giveaway everyone’s Tolkien about! #sorrynotsorry
Fingers crossed really hard
Thanks the chance
I ll have this, thanks a lot…
Maybe I’ll be lucky
Hope to be the lucky winner!!!!
I’m in!
Whether I win or not, I want you to know how much I appreciate all the work you do, especially keeping the event calendar up-to-date. Well done!
sure would love to win this
Count me in
Good luck to all. Of course I hope I win!
Good Luck everyone
May the god’s of the dice be gracious!
would love a year sub .. Thank You
Thank you for this opportunity. I really appreciate it.
I love Tolkien everything!!
Gotta love a good forum! Great giveaway too!
I need it to return to the game
I love LOTRO!
Count me in, and Bless you for your guides! BTW, if you can stand the grind, and time it right, the Eriador bundle goes down to 3196 TP.
*Crossing fingers*
I’m having fun in LOTRO. Hope it continues.
Nice giveaway! Good luck to all
I’ll take a chance!
This would be cool – congrats to whoever gets this!
Let it be me!
please, let me win:)
Would help out tremendously to get this
Nice giveaway!
Good luck to all!
Thank you for the generous giveaway!
Damn I hope
Fingers crossed
Be awesome to win, good luck all
Now this would be nice!
Hope I win!
*Crosses Fingers
Would love to be the lucky player!
Dram Wants Free VIP!!!!!!
Great giveaway, thanks LPN.
Hey RNG im here!!!
I’m in, wish me luck… and thanks for the giveaway.
Really appreciate your articles, great explanations.
What is it, my precious, what is it? A gift? Oh, we likes a gift. Don’t we, precious?
Thanks for the opportunity to win something a again!
thanks for the opportunity to try and win!
One does not simply…not post a comment for such a fun thing.
Thanks for the chance at a sweet gift!
Good luck fellow LOTRO’ers!
Never won anything so hoping for that
Would be appreciated
Lets see how lucky I really am.
Would be nice!
You simply do not Just..*win* A one year VIP account lol
Count me in!
Wasn’t sure if my email was right, so here’s a duplicate post for the one right above in case.
Nothing in this life is for free, not even luck
Lucky for just once in my life??
Great giveaway! Thanks!
Would be greatly appreciated!
Used to play on Gilrain, now Laurelin:)
~0.0015 atm
A little champion wants to travel the world!
Ohhhh, Free one year!!! I neeeeds this my precious!
Thank you
Thanks the chance
me me me!
and thx in advance
i hope i win!
Wow, 1 year? Awesome.
Wow, 1 year VIP, would be nice to get it!
What an awesome giveaway, thanks! =D
First time to your site.
A great alt to lotro-wiki
Great giveaways also
goodluck everyone
I am a gamer out of work for chronic pain, While I get some coffee money from some table top game designs I have out, this would be a huge win.
Thanks to everyone at the site and everyone who made the giveaway possible.
[question for mod, should I attach a micogame to say thanks, or would that be too self promotional? Games are free with an option to tip.
Thanks for doing the giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway!
cheers for the give away
To good to be true
Jest entering on my character. Might get lucky. Good luck all.
This would be fantastic, here’s hoping.
Thank you so much for this opportunity.
Good luck to everyone!
Thank you for this nice giveaway!
Thank you the chance
Oh boy oh boy ! this is great
Shout-out to my kin, The Red Company! Laurelin server! ^_^
Great prize and one i’d love to win…here’s hoping it’s me
Love what you guys do!
I play this game to feel like a VIP!
Do need it for my brottets sake:-)
That would be fun
Nice GA!
how generous!
Just keep doing the great stuff and support for our favourite awesome game.
I hope I get it
So I hope you all agree that I should win, lol
Please give it to me.
Yes please
congrats to you all! love your show and community!! gussy
Good luck everyone!
I want this.. I want to be VIP again.
Luck to everyone.
Count me in! And thanks for all the Podcasts!
Whoo! Best of luck to everyone, this is a great giveaway!
Good luck all. May the force be with you
Yes please
good luck everyone
Amazing giveaway.
Good luck all!
I am crossing my fingers and my toes
Thank you.
Nem azért mert hátha, de azért mégis
Congrats to Steve Adams on being chosen as the winner. They have 1 week to reply back to the email that was sent to them. Otherwise the code goes on to a new winner.
Did I win yet. ?
Oh, I would so like to win!
karlen of Bree at your service.
It’s a wonderfull game !
A new winner has been chosen since the previous winner did not reply within the week period.
Congrats to ApuluFelgar on being chosen at random as the new winner. They have 1 week to reply back to the email that was sent to them. Otherwise the code goes on to a new winner.
A new winner has been chosen since the previous winner did not reply within the week period.
Congrats to Dalton Johnson on being chosen at random as the new winner. They have 1 week to reply back to the email that was sent to them. Otherwise the code goes on to a new winner.
A new winner has been chosen since the previous winner did not reply within the week period.
Congrats to Eruceninde on being chosen at random as the new winner. They have 1 week to reply back to the email that was sent to them. Otherwise the code goes on to a new winner.
The winner has responded and was sent the code. This giveaway is now over.