LPN Exclusive! Interview with Grrlz of Middle-earth

Two famous Middle-earth adventurers have announced a new venture aimed at ridding the world of evil. Teriadwyn and Maven, in their various guises, have founded Grrlz of Middle-earth, a consortium of female LOTRO players who have banded together to take on everything from pie delivery to roving threats—perhaps even the Rift.

LOTRO Players News was able to obtain an exclusive interview with GME founders, because…well…who else would they tell?

LPN: So, Grrlz of Middle-earth. That name sounds like you are about some pretty serious business. What’s your plan?

Teriadwyn: Darn right we’re serious. We think it’s time for some coordinated kick-butt action by the girls who make LOTRO great. We are planning to go into battle on a weekly basis—Sundays around 6 pm server time on the Mythgard kin Twitch channel—and take out lots of bad guys all over Middle-earth.

Maven: Yeah, we will be doing all kinds of questing depending on who shows up and what we’re in the mood for. Skirmishes, landscape questing, instances—even warbands and roving threats. It’s gonna be awesome.

LPN: Sounds great. But, really, no boys allowed?

Maven: Oh, there can be boys in the game. But they’ll be girl’s boys, if you know what I mean.  Plus hopefully we’ll have plenty of guys commenting on the sidelines by way of the Twitch chat stream.

Teriadwyn: We think that an all-girl group will be a different kind of adventuring experience. Our conversations will be all over the place, I’m sure, and judging by the informal questing we’ve done with some of the grrlz of our acquaintance, it’s going to be pretty funny too.

LPN: What about fashion? I mean, Teri is gaining fame as a fashion icon and consultant in LOTRO. Will you be doing any fashion stuff?

Maven: Try and stop her.

Teriadwyn: I doubt that we will be doing fashion “shows,” where the episode is strictly about cosmetics. I do that kind of thing on my own personal stream. But I’m sure we’ll be talking outfits while we fight.

Maven: Both our own and what the bad guys are wearing.

LPN: Count us in. Tell us again: When and where?

Maven: We are starting up Sunday February 21, 2016 at 6:00 pm server time.

Teriadwyn: On the Mythgard Twitch channel: http://twitch.tv/mythgardian.

LPN: Great! We’ll see you there!

The Grrlz would like to thank Greymaster for the awesome logo he designed for them (See? They let boys play!)

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