LOTRO Academy: 118 – Review: The Mines of Moria Pt. 2

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LOTRO Academy: 118 - Review: The Mines of Moria Pt. 2

In this episode, Branick, Teriadwyn, and Pineleaf are joined by guest host Zirrok to continue our multi-episode review series on The Lord of the Rings Online™: Mines of Moria, the first expansion pack to be released for LOTRO. Part 2 is focused on the areas of 21st Hall, Zelem-Melek, and The Water-works. Thanks for listening.

Episodes of LOTRO Academy are recorded on Friday and posted the following Wednesday. Leave a comment below or via the email mentioned in the podcast prior to 7 PM CST on the Friday following the episode’s release for your comment to be featured in the Listener Feedback section.

5 thoughts on “LOTRO Academy: 118 – Review: The Mines of Moria Pt. 2”

  1. And on the question of Open Tapping, Andang demonstrates why I don’t like him. If I’m fighting a “boss” the last thing I want is a level 100 champtard to one-shot the mob and take what little fun there is out of fighting on the landscape. Every single time I have crossed paths with Andang, he has managed suck the fun out of questing.

  2. It makes sense that the water works is one of the oldest parts of Moria. If you dug a bunch of holes into a mountain, fresh water would be a high priority. I am not a big fan of the zone however. They drag you back and forth too many times, and you agro all those frogs, lizards and worms. I don’t like back and forth questing, adding mobs in both directions makes it even worse!

  3. Something I ran across today while catching up on the Bingo quest line. As the quests move you out of Moria First Hall into Lothlorian Nanduhirion, Bingo awaits you outside and emotes: “Bingo breathes deeply of the clean air, glad to be out of Moria”

    I think the Devs know that the players all feel the same way as they finally leave the depths of Moria. Or maybe they are just listening to you all on the podcast. 🙂

  4. A few things. I had a champion just enter Moria tonight for the first time and I can confirm the next quest in the Volume-2 with Tulk did not become active until I reached Lvl-48 which occurred but a few seconds later when I completed the bed bugs quest!

    Secondly, on Teriadwyn. I am a big fan and she has become extremely knowledgeable on the game in a VERY short time, but now I know how she has accomplished so much, so quickly.. Never reading the quest text?!?! A mini-shaming upon you. I bet you lick the cream out of your Oreos before eating the outsides as well. The only worse thing I can think of is never reading the books. Hmm.. whom do I know that is guilty of that?

    Lastly, appreciate all the in-depth Moria knowledge, but one side of the story you are neglecting, the vocal minority in the game that loves the zone and thinks it is the most amazing part of the game. In fact, it my is my favorite setting in any game I have ever played, A masterpiece of imaginative lore and architecture and I know I am not the only player in the game that feels this way. I get that you appreciate it, but are in general not fans and I can understand that point of view, just thought it was worth acknowledging that not everyone in the game feels that way and people should make up their own minds… I am pretty confident you agree, but that doesn’t always come across in the podcast with all of the comments about getting through it as quickly as possible and getting back out in the fresh air finally! It is definitely a divisive issue..akin to Angmar in that respect…

    Cheers and Regards, a Humble Dwarf who loves his home,

    Braag of Vilya

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