NO! A thousand times NO! There’s already enough fishing in the…which is it? Summer fest? Anniversary fest? I get my fill of fishing at that….let’s think of something else to add to Yule….
Short and sweet, this episode takes a quick look at the farm of Bamfurlong and its master, Farmer Maggot. What is his connexion to Tom Bombadil, and why is Frodo
Another great find by Contains Moderate Peril: an image on the unofficial LOTRO forums referencing items that would automatically level characters all the way to level 50, effectively skipping all original
Look at Neverwinter’s winter fest events (ice fishing, sliding, sleigh racing etc.). Integrate ’em all into LOTRO! =)
There’s a Yule festival?!
And gate all the new festival rewards behind the ice-fishing deeds, because that’s always fun. “The More (Gates) the Merrier” /s
NO! A thousand times NO! There’s already enough fishing in the…which is it? Summer fest? Anniversary fest? I get my fill of fishing at that….let’s think of something else to add to Yule….
leave the poor nice fishies alone ;D