No Mounted Epic Battles Planned for LOTRONo Mounted Epic Battles Planned for LOTRO
Today in a post on the forums, Vyvyanne said there are no plans for mounted epic battles. How do you think the Battle of Pelennor Fields will be depicted in LOTRO?
Today in a post on the forums, Vyvyanne said there are no plans for mounted epic battles. How do you think the Battle of Pelennor Fields will be depicted in LOTRO?
Hullo! This week The Ninny Hammers present the second of our pre Christmas series. Here to get you all in a festive spirit is Silver Bells. The Ninny Hammers Perform
Morning arrived in the town of Riverwatch as the new sun sent shafts of light gleaming over Middle-Earth’s horizon. One of those shafts made it’s way through the window of