While sorting through the first few pages the newly discovered stash of treasures in the Minas Tirith library. A previous unknown epilogue from the wolf attack on Sandsons farm was uncovered. It was always assumed all the wolves were defeated. It seems that thought was wrong. There are even more ominous signs that angmars influence was corrupting further and deeper into Eriador then previously thought.
A last supper
The time of gallavanting has passed. The wolves have been driven back from Sandsons farm, but alas they havn’t been defeated. The remnants of their main attack force were driven back to their old caves and tunnels. Squirle and George went to confront them and end their foul deeds. Expecting a gang of wolves licking their wounds that was not what they met. A few gangly muts would have been easily dispatched. A larger more foul smelling nemesis was awaiting them. A quick expedition turned horendous fast.
Recalling the cavalery
Do their friends figure out their despair? Will they make it in time ? Or will Dora’s farm turn in a Middle earth Alamo?
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