I had role played in pen-and-paper rpg’s in 1990’s. Somehow I can’t do it in computer games. Seems for me very strange, dont feel it at all. Although I do some small private rpg, My hobbits do not use boots, if there is raining my toons use cloaks, when it is cold, they dress properly. My Rohirrim hunter do not wear his Rohirrim armor while in Dunland, my burgler at night uses black clothes while during a day he uses other costumes,, my cappy do not go to fight without armor but sometimes in cities he wears lighter outfit. Often my toons dont have helmets when in cities. My elves do not spend much time in Moria and go to Lothlorien asap (55-56 lvl), while my dwarves avoid Lorien and quest through Enedwaith and Dunland.
I go with Goblinbane. I always refer to myself as rp-light. I have cosmetic outfits for general, combat (both in a dry and rain version), a crafting outfit, one for official meetings as kinleader and warm clothes for the snowy regions.
In towns I never wear armour (dequip plugin, but since a few weeks we can close the eyes in the cosmetic tabs :)), and when I talk to strangers, I always talk in character. I follow the roads when I walk, or on my horse, stand in front of NPC’s when I talk to them. Don’t walk through fires. And when I meet people like Elrond, Gandalf, Galadriel etc, I /bow.
RP-light for me also. My LM from Rohan collects all steeds. My Beorning was an ordinary human until she went to Eregion where she picked every single berry bush and gathered every drop of honey she saw. I spent a week longer than I wanted to there because she insisted on running everywhere gathering that food. (sigh)
This week is a special interview with Alberos of the LotROCast. We cover a lot of the basic history of Middle-earth from the Ainur to the Eldar, all the way
Hullo, Have you ever found yourself, while listening to a Podcast, really want to voice your opinion about a particular MMO? What’s good about one game compared to
Hail and well met friends! Thanks to supporters on Patreon, my channel is having a Riders of Rohan giveaway right now until July 18th. All you have to do to
Yes, but not to a large extent.
I had role played in pen-and-paper rpg’s in 1990’s. Somehow I can’t do it in computer games. Seems for me very strange, dont feel it at all. Although I do some small private rpg, My hobbits do not use boots, if there is raining my toons use cloaks, when it is cold, they dress properly. My Rohirrim hunter do not wear his Rohirrim armor while in Dunland, my burgler at night uses black clothes while during a day he uses other costumes,, my cappy do not go to fight without armor but sometimes in cities he wears lighter outfit. Often my toons dont have helmets when in cities. My elves do not spend much time in Moria and go to Lothlorien asap (55-56 lvl), while my dwarves avoid Lorien and quest through Enedwaith and Dunland.
I go with Goblinbane. I always refer to myself as rp-light. I have cosmetic outfits for general, combat (both in a dry and rain version), a crafting outfit, one for official meetings as kinleader and warm clothes for the snowy regions.
In towns I never wear armour (dequip plugin, but since a few weeks we can close the eyes in the cosmetic tabs :)), and when I talk to strangers, I always talk in character. I follow the roads when I walk, or on my horse, stand in front of NPC’s when I talk to them. Don’t walk through fires. And when I meet people like Elrond, Gandalf, Galadriel etc, I /bow.
RP-light for me also. My LM from Rohan collects all steeds. My Beorning was an ordinary human until she went to Eregion where she picked every single berry bush and gathered every drop of honey she saw. I spent a week longer than I wanted to there because she insisted on running everywhere gathering that food. (sigh)