A wonderful day for music!
This week the Ninny Hammers bring to you all a sample of Opera. At the same time I have been trying to focus my arrangements to fill out my small ensemble folders.
I toast you all with this fine drinking song from La Traviata. Lets all drink from our joyful goblets!
If you would like to come and see us perform live we play on Landroval at 2.00pm EST or 8pm CET for an hour and then head over to Evernight (4.00pm EST/ 9.00pm GMT /10pm CET) to entertain folks there with a two hour event, the middle of which members of the audience are invited to the stage to perform a song of their own.
1 thought on “The Ninny Hammers Perform – Libiamo, ne’lieti calici [Drinking Song].”