Greetings Music Fans,
Lizzy and I still suffer from a few technical issues causing a delay in video production, but I still need a creative outlet while we try and solve these problems.
Someone mentioned that a band should be playing a particular song while folks are taking “that” leap, in Minas Tirith.
I can’t resist such an idea, if anyone wants to have a jumping to your death party, or not (Maven) we could play this song.
Enjoy this new offering from The Ninny Hammers.
This week we are performing at our usual time and place on Landroval (Sat 2.00pm EDT Bree Town Stage), however there are a few changes to our Evernight event.
On Evernight on Saturday we are performing at 9.00pm gmt a 30 minute slot. We have moved the location to just outside West Bree Gate. (I may decide in future to go to the Bree Festival grounds, but I am hoping sometime in the future the layering won’t be as restrictive in Bree Town). After this I will host an open mic session, for any and all who wish to perform. The Ninny’s will close the event when we have come to the end of the guest performers. If you wish to play a song, be it solo or in a group. Why not join us on Saturday? We’d love to find wonderful Evernight talent. Thanks to Amarthon and Murphy for their very warm welcome and assistance last week.
Fantastic job Lilikate! They need to make this be the in-game music when you enter Minas Tirith
Thanks Andang, it was a tricky one this week.
Excellent… this song for some unknown reason reminds me of Bonnie Tyler’s I need a hero! Another song to add to the wishlist?