New Server Tech – Beta Test 2

Today on the forums, Frelorn announced the prizes for the second beta test of the new servers:

“This Saturday November 7th from 12-2PM Eastern we need your help testing our new Datacenter on Bullroarer. We need as many players as possible to log onto Bullroarer and play. Many members of the team will be on hand running live events and chatting with players in Bree. Everyone who logs into Bullroarer during this event will be eligible to win one of the following prizes: A lifetime account, 10,000 Turbine points, and 1000 Turbine points. Everyone who logs will get 100 Turbine points added to their accounts when we hand out the prizes.

You can download the Bullroarer client here.

Earlier in the day, Vyvyanne commented about increased server capacity from the last test:

“We have beefed up the hardware so we should not see the same login limitations, should be able to handle upwards of 4300 players at once and have awards out in under a week with a correct link to claim prizes.”

Last week, Vyvyanne gave even more insight about the previous test:

“The problem we ran into was that we simply did not bring enough Virtual Memory machines to the party as we underestimated the turn out.

However we did determine how many users each machine could handle (800). We had 2 online this last test and confirmed that the performance issues didn’t really kick in until we got to 1700 players. We will be using that data to bulk up our Bullroarer environment…”

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