I thought I would publish another addition to my tunes for The Ninny Hammers.
The Ninny Hammers are a musical Kinship and band. Playing my arrangements as well as highlighting songs and compositions by others.
At the moment we can be found on Bree Stage of Landroval on Saturdays at 2.00pm EST
We can also be discovered on Evernight also on Bree Stage also on Saturdays at 9.oopm GMT or 4.00pm EST.
I am looking to encourage anyone who would like to play in a musical group on Evernight to come along and join us.
The Ninny Hammers are looking for regular members to join our groups on either server, we also welcome guest performers who can’t commit to a regular weekly meeting time.
If you’d like to help us play a set then arrive a little earlier than performance time. Fifteen minutes is ample, if you have the Songbook plugin ready to use. Send a /tell or just use /say your wish to join and I will send you the link to the latest version of Lilikate’s Songbook.
Please see this post for Songbook Plugin Instructions.
Enjoy these Lovecats!
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