Players who believe LOTRO’s recent server merges were completely caused by population decline may be surprised to learn Turbine is pausing transfers between servers due to growing population concerns related to server strain.
“…we will be pausing in opening any more closing servers for transfer until we are on the new hardware which will be able to handle the increased populations. We are already seeing great increases in load on the remaining servers and do not wish to put further strain on them and the players on them. This should only be a matter of a few weeks at this point though, so we appreciate your patience.” – source
Which server populations are causing this pause?
“…Gwaihir is as in the realm of Evernight and Brandywine now and Belegaer is quickly closing the gap.” – source
Vyvyanne then apologizes about the speed of the transfer process:
“I am sorry that this is not moving as quickly as any of us would like, but our alternative would have been to make everyone wait until the new build out was complete and that still would not have moved the timetable forward.
Announcements will be forthcoming in the next few days on the events that will be taking place between now and then.” – source
Transfers are being paused at just over the half-way point with Windfola, which was opened yesterday.