Community Events: 19th Oct – 25th Oct.

At your service, and your family’s!

Thank you for taking the time to check out my first listing of Community Run Events for LOTRO Players! I have notable shoes to fill, to be sure, and I’ll do my best to make sure the week’s events are reported as accurately as possible. If you would like an event added or spot a misprint please let me know in the comments or via email ( and I will make corrections. If you expected to see your event posted and it is missing please also give me a nudge. With so many events it is all too easy to miss one.

Onishi Farquestor




Monday 19th October

Name: Elevenses
Server: Crickhollow
Time: 11.00pm to 12.30am
Location: Bird and Baby Inn, Michel Delving.

Name: Ales ‘n Tales
Server: Landroval
Time: 9:30pm (8:30pm pre-show)
Location: Windy Acres Ranch, 9 Chestnut, Raglan, Bree-land Homesteads

Name: Club Eclair
Server: Landroval
Time: 8.30pm
Location: Eastern Angmar (contact Alphred)

Name: Instant Play
Server: Gwaihir
Time: 2.00pm
Location: West Bree Stables


Tuesday 20th October

Name: The Runic Knight Orchestra
Server: Landroval
Time: 9.00pm
Location: Bree Park across from Bree-Town Jail

Name: Iron Horse
Server: Landroval
Time: 9.00pm
Location: Rohan (contact Baronkio)

Name: Mythgard Adventures
Server: Landroval
Time: 9.30pm
Location: Mythgard kin house at 2 Frothing Road, Eldinggraf, Thorin’s Hall homesteads


Wednesday 21st October

Name: Lil Wanderers
Server: Laurelin
Time: 7pm to 9pm
Location: Elder Monument in Michel Delving

Name: Club Eclair – Second Servings
Server: Landroval
Time: 3.00pm
Location: Bree-Land (contact Anisata.)

Name: DisEnchanted
Server: Landroval
Time: 8.30pm-9.30pm
Location: Bree-Town Park

Name: Hud in Eledhrim (Hall of Fire) Wednesdays
Server: Laurelin
Time: 7.00pm
Location: Hall of Fire, Last Homely House, Rivendell


Thursday 22nd October – The Harvest Festival begins!

Name: Concerning Hobbits Pub Party
Server: Landroval
Time: 8.30pm
Location: Bird n’ Baby, Michel Delving

Name: Club Eclair – Second Servings
Server: Landroval
Time: 3.00pm
Location: Bree-Land (contact Anisata.)

Name: Eriador Music Society
Server: Landroval
Time: 10.30pm
Location: Founder’s Statue, Michel Delving

Name: Bird and Baby Yard Party
Server: Laurelin
Time: 2.30pm
Location: Bird and Baby Inn, Michel Delving


Friday 23rd October

Name: Hobbit Hospitality (Housing Market)
Server: Landroval
Time: 7.30pm-8.45pm
Location: Andy Brockhouse’s tent outside the Shire Homesteads

Name: Warm Warders’ Welcome
Server: Landroval
Time: 9.00pm
Location: Location varies – Check /regional

Name: Green Dragon Friday
Server: Laurelin
Time: 8.00pm-10.00pm
Location: Green Dragon Inn, Bywater

Name: Die Meisterbarden von Bree
Server: Vanyar
Time: 2.00pm
Location: Bree Auction Hall

Name: A Rock and A Hard Place
Server: Dwarrowdelf
Time: 4.00pm
Location: West Gate of Bree, opposite the Stables


Saturday 24th October

Name: Bullroarer Data Center Test Event
Server: Bullroarer
Time: 4.00pm-7.00pm
Location: All over Bullroarer Server
More Info:!

Name: The Breakfast Club
Server: Crickhollow
Time: 1.00pm
Location: West Stables, Bree-Town

Name: The Ninny Hammers
Server: Landroval
Time: 2.00pm
Location: Prancing Pony Stage

Name: The Ninny Hammers
Server: Evernight
Time: 9.00pm
Location: Prancing Pony Stage

Name: Under the Sunlit Sky
Server: Landroval
Time: 3.00pm
Location: Bree-Town Market Square

Name: Solve-A-Mystery Roleplay Contest
Server: Landroval
Time: 4pm to 7pm
Location: Windy Acres Ranch, 9 Chestnut Street, Raglan, Bree-land homesteads.

Name: Harlequins
Server: Landroval
Time: 6.00pm
Location: Bree Stage

Name: Instance Night
Server: Landroval
Time: 8.00pm-10.00pm
Location: Mustering Hill (between stables and crafting hall in Michel Delving.)

Name: Animal House
Server: Landroval
Time: 9.00pm
Location: Prancing Pony Stable

Name: Bards, Beers, and Longbeards
Server: Landroval
Time: 11.59pm
Location: Prancing Pony Stage


Sunday 25th October

Name: The Andune Ensemble
Server: Landroval
Time: 3.00pm
Location: Prancing Pony Stage, Bree-Town

Name: Les Beaux Chapeaux
Server: Landroval
Time: 9.00pm
Location: Bree Festival Grounds

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