Minas Tirith – Update 17 Beta Videos

Yesterday Turbine released the first build of the Update 17 Beta.

The new zone of Old Anórien includes three areas: Minas Tirith, Pelennor Fields, and Talath Anor.

12 thoughts on “Minas Tirith – Update 17 Beta Videos”

    1. It does. There is not an NDA on this content as it is in open beta. There has not been a closed beta in LOTRO since Helm’s Deep.

  1. Excellent videos, cheers Andang! One thing about Anorien (or at least the tiny bit of it we’ve got so far – did you say Cair Andros was inaccessible? Also, can you see the Falls of Rauros from the north end of the region? Thanks.

  2. Guys whats your oppinion on the price of new zone, is the pack will be something like East Gondor and like 795 TP or something new on more high TP ?

    1. It depends on just how many quests are in this area but the landscape is less so I imagine the cost will be less, similar to what they did in Eriador.

  3. I can just see the minstrels forming up at the base of the tower.
    Some poor guy will be questing along and all of a sudden, in the background ……….
    “It’s raining men ….. hallelujah, it’s raining men” being crucified with some minstrel on the bagpipes
    Closely followed by, …… thud, thud, thud as a kin does a suicide jump off the tower

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