‘Big Big Project’ At WB Games

In a recent interview, Nolan North said he met with the video game team at Warner Bros. about a “big, big project.”  North continues on saying, “That’ll be another 10 years of my life.”

What is the big project?  At first the answer seems obvious – either a sequel for Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor or another Batman game since North has done voices for both series in the past.

Earlier this year, GameSpot reported that Monolith Productions, the developer studio for Shadow of Mordor and other games, has “gone on a hiring spree.”

However both of those theories do not line up with the “another 10 years” quote unless they have already planned out a trilogy of games for VO which is rare in gaming VO contracts.

Keep in mind it is a “big, big project” for Nolan North, a guy who has done VO work for some of the industries biggest titles.  That makes this quote far stranger since he has done VO for MMOs and video game trilogies.

Over the past year, LOTRO Players has received tips from trusted sources that Turbine is working on another Tolkien-themed game.  Is it possible North is doing VO for a Turbine game?  That could fit the 10 year timeline if it is a Destiny-style game or even just a new MMO.  Turbine is currently in the process of moving its online games over to new servers.  It is possible that the new servers could also be used for a new MMO.  This is made more likely by the end of development and commercial failure of Infinite Crisis.

It is quite possible these events are completely unrelated.  Regardless, it will be interesting to see this project when it reaches the light of day.

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