LOTRO Poems #16

Hello Friends! Welcome to the long awaited 16th edition of LOTRO Poems! Woohoo!

Exams and work kept me from doing justice to Tolkien inspired poetry so I waited till I could do it justice before publishing more.

Also I am involved in writing this amazing new video lore series , so check it out if you haven’t done so already, Middle-earth Lore chapter 1: The Shire.

Casual Raiders are blooming like never before, becoming one of Brandywine’s largest kinships. Raiding has been much more fun now that most of our kin has the fancy new gear and the fancy new LI’s.

As I know LOTRO Players has a large fan-base full of artists and creative people, if anyone is interested in drawing the world of Tolkien, related to the poems I write, please contact me. I would love to feature your drawings along with the poems.

Once again we return to our beloved Aragorn. last time we met him, we explored his inner thoughts and how Arwen Undomiel was involved in the story at the core level. If you haven’t read the previous seven parts, I encourage you to have a read before you read this one, Part 1, Part 2Part 3,  Part 4,  Part 5Part 6, and Part 7.



Estel (Part 8)

Down the river Anduin, we steadily rode,
To Argonath, pillars of the Kings of old,

Chased by Orcs of a different kind,
Marching in day, who didn’t go blind,

The Ring did its magic, Boromir fell from grace,
Waking up from madness when he fell upon his face,

He ran to help the two hobbits in need,
He blew the horn of Gondor, absent lust and greed,

I flew towards him, faster then haste,
Anduril swung, laying enemies to waste,

I laid his head in my lap, his horn split in two,
So passed a mighty son of Gondor, the ever true.

Hope you guys and girls enjoyed this weeks LOTRO Poem. You can check all previous editions by clicking LOTRO Poems. You can follow me on twitter @dgenxali. If you would like to read my non Tolkien poetry and all the other stuff I write about, you can checkout my blog dgenxali.wordpress.com. If you play on Brandywine server, you can find me on Estelali. Click Casual Raiders if you want to join my kinship. If you want to feature your poem on LOTRO Poems or even send feedback, my email is legendraiderx@gmail.com. Be good and have a wonderful day, Namarie!

Published by


A writer, a dreamer

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