Evernight breaks server record

Photo credit: Merloch (https://www.facebook.com/groups/evernightserver/permalink/1049064815104910/)
Photo credit: Merloch (https://www.facebook.com/groups/evernightserver/permalink/1049064815104910/)
A record number of players gathered on Evernight on Saturday to welcome those transferring to the server as part of Turbine’s world consolidation.

Around 200 characters gathered by the West Gate of Bree in an event organised by the Evernight Facebook Group, far surpassing the record set when the group met in January 2014 to celebrate their 200th member.

The event featured dancing, music, emotes, and even a baby Ent. After gathering for a server photo, players mounted their steeds and rode as a group toward The Shire, showing off their favourite cosmetics and horses.

Prominent community member Hannihr compiled a video of the event for those unable to attend.

Player feedback from the event was overwhelmingly positive. “Great gathering,” players commented. “Was great to see so many people show up.”

According to organisers, future events on the Evernight server are planned for the coming months.

Additional photos from the record breaking gathering can be found on the Evernight Facebook Group.

3 thoughts on “Evernight breaks server record”

  1. Man, that was my home server pre-F2P. It was dead back then and I really do mean D.E.A.D.

    Great to see how the server is faring now though. Logged in on an old char, but seems all those on friends list were stuck at 65 and none of the kins I asked about were left… Regardless, it’s heartwarming to see communities come togetehr in this manner.

    Good job Evernight!

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