6th Annual Month of the Chicken on Landroval

ScreenShot00253Every year, the “Bounders of the Shire” hosts a most pecular month of activities. August signifies an curious event on the Landroval server called, “Month of the Chicken”, celebrating all things Chickens, which also means Hobnanigans, albeit controversial for chicken lovers. Such events celebrated during this year included “Quals & Tails”, a play off of the Lonley Mountain Band’s weekly house band concert called “Ales & Tales”, where the theme was of course geared towards, chickens. Like it, other events included other chicken related races, scavenger hunts, hide and seek, fishing while dining on chicken, and similar events. The month is only halfway over. Plenty more is planned for the month.

Green Egg Camp

Chickens prepare for their dangerous tour of the Breeland.

As part of the 6th anniversary of the “Month of the Chicken”, the Remnants hosted the Green Egg Camp on Saturday, Aug 15, 2015. It was aimed as an opportunity to help “green chickens”, ie players who have yet to complete the Flying the Coop quest line from the Shire. Ultimately, once the quests are completed players are awarded with the ability to session in as a Golden Chicken, aka Free Range chicken, allowing them to run about Middle-Earth with an extended 8 hour timer, rather then the 1-1.5 hour timer the normal quest has.

They successfully helped players navigate the preliminary Shire based quests, before gaining the ability to access “George” the chicken to begin these “Flying the Coop” quests. While it was not planned to do so, members from the “Remnants” and “Bounders of the Shire” decided to take these recent graduated chicks on the first leg of their dangerous quest line, but helping them complete the Breeland area journey. “Chicken Tenders”, or players running along the chickens helped to take out any dangerous foes, which also include a few stray rabbits and quarrels that happened to get in the way.

Chicken Parade to Market

Later on Saturday, around 8pm /servertime, the kinships “Bounders of the Shire” and “Remnants” once again hosted another event. This time, players gathered at Sandson’s Farm, and took the form of Chickens, and marched their way to the “Sons of Numenor” RP Market event taking place in Bree. With up to 9 chickens entow, Chicken tenders, lead by Daffadilia. There is nothing like stopping people in their tracks as they seem a line of chickens marching one by one, as if heading for the frying pan.

Remaining events for the rest of the month for “Month of the Chicken” includes:

Sunday, August 16th, 1:30pm: Flying the Coop: North Downs Camp: Remnant will help guide chickens through the dangers that lurk close to the roads as they make their way to the eastern side of the North Downs. Meet at Sandson’s Farm.

Wednesday, August 19th, 8pm: Chicken Races: This year young Meadowlark has devised some devious routes through the Shire for racing chickens to navigate as fast as their fleet feet can manage! Meet at Sandson’s Farm.

Thursday, August 20th, 8:30pm: Bring Yer Chick t’ the Burd: A special Concerning Hobbits Pub Party at the Burd n’ Baby.

Fryday, August 21st, 9pm: Lovecraftian Tales Story Night: The usual 2nd Fryday Story Night has been moved closer to a very special birthday. (Will there be eerie Mathoms, I wonder?) Frightful tales, shocking ballads and dreadful stories will be told at Toad Marsh in Buckland. Many await the telling of Cluckthulu.

Sunday, August 23rd 1pm: They’re Taking the Hens to Amon Hen!: Come along for a semi-informal (but very dangerous) chicken run to Amon Hen, in Eastern Rohan! Join an adventure to places few chickens dare to tread. Hosted by Concerning Hobbits, and led (to a safe end we hope) by Mama Hen. Meet at Sandson’s Farm. Free Range unlocks are recommended (for the extended 8-hour timer), although any chickens are welcome to come along for as long as their timers permit.

FryDay, August 28th 9pm: Safe by Day, Trolls by Night: Rivendell bound. Meet at Sandson’s Farm. Chicken Tender Daffodilia will be helping Trainers, additional Chicken Tenders and Wingchicks will be available to act as guards and guides.

Saturday, August 29th, 5pm: Crosser of Roads: The second year Concerning Hobbits has offered to lead chickens who must range free! This event is for folks who have earned a Golden Chicken and wish to gain the coveted title of “Crosser of Roads”. Not fer the faint of heart! But don’t worries, Mama Hen will lead the way. Meet at Sandson’s Farm.

Sunday, August 30th, 2:30/3pm: Chickengard: The Courserrim folk will be holding a race to get the chickens to Isengard. Chicken Tender teams will lead their chickens through squawk inducing territories in the hopes of being the first to reach a place darker than inside a chick’s egg! Gather at Sandson’s Farm starting at 2:30, race will start at 3pm. The Remediators will play at the Farm during the gathering time. IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Teams should try to arrive as close to 2:30 as possible as there will be direction given in case the chickens spawn in a separate layer.

Learn more about this month long event by checking out the here.

Month of the Chicken banner courtesy of Bounders of the Shire

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