Server Transfer Competition

evernight_bilbo_compTo assist new players coming over to their server, Evernight is currently running a competition to give a helping hand to those whose server will closing at the end of the year.Entry is simple, according to the Evernight Report who are hosting the event. “Take a screenshot of your newly transferred character next to Bilbo Baggins doing a /kneel emote towards him, then upload the screenshot to the thread on the Evernight Facebook Group.

The winner will receive:

-100 Gold;
-an appearance on The Evernight Report; and
-a cosmetic prize of their choosing.The competition closes Wednesday 12 August. As not all servers will have free transfers turned on by this time, the competition would best suit someone who is checking out Evernight to decide if it is the best fit for them. Current Evernight players are ineligible to enter.

Hannihr, the editor of the Evernight Report, explains the server’s special connection to Bilbo. “Evernight is named after a dark, shadow-filled region in the Great Sea that appears in one of Bilbo’s songs called Song of Eärendil.”

Best of luck!


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