Lilikate’s Waffling Maestro WisdomLilikate’s Waffling Maestro Wisdom
Hello Music Makers, Sometime ago I tried with mixed results to record a Maestro tutorial, yesterday I tried again. There are faults with the recording and some issues I had
Hello Music Makers, Sometime ago I tried with mixed results to record a Maestro tutorial, yesterday I tried again. There are faults with the recording and some issues I had
Greetings, everyone! Amidst all the talk of legendary items and the great advancement made by the Forge-masters regarding how to imbue them, another discovery has been made in our
The Siege Part 2 The first wave of Orcs smashed into the barricades and poison-tipped caltrops with a crash, causing the soldiers of Trestlebridge to jump back quickly. The group