The servers that will be closing in 2016 have finally been announced today in a Dev Diary.
Closing Servers
US |
EU |
Elendilmir | Estel |
Riddermark | Gilrain |
Firefoot | Eldar |
Nimrodel | Anduin |
Windfola | Morthond |
Imladris | Maiar |
Darrowdelf | Vanyar |
Silverlode | Withywindle |
Vilya | Snowbourn |
Meneldor |
Remaining Servers
US |
EU |
Arkenstone | Belegaer |
Crickhollow | Gwaihir |
Landroval | Sirannon |
Gladden | Laurelin |
Brandywine | Evernight |
Learn more about server transfers here.
I am amazed (disappointed)?) that there is only 1 English speaking Non-RP server staying in the EU.
Maybe Turbine knows something we don’t, and maybe the German speaking players of all Europe are as numerous as all the English speaking ones – (something I find hard to imagine, thinking of all the Dutch, Swedish, etc… players)
German servers were among most crowded and according to some sources there is as many players on German servers that on all EN EU. They are really big part of European Lotro playerbase. IMO there should be 6 EU servers (one more non-RP EN EU), but well, Turbine knows better how many people will move to servers that will stay.
All I have to ponder now is which two characters of mine get moved to Landroval. I am thinking my Scholar and Cook from Windfola… Oh decisions are going to be tough! I may even move a few from Landroval to move others in! Can someone put a red and yellow question mark sign over my head
Kind of suspected Dwarrowdelf was going to close, there’s a reason I’m a solo player with minimal group content experience. Any suggestions of where I should move to?
Before I begin I just want to say that I love the show! I just discovered it last week and I’ve been listening to the older episodes since.
I have been playing for over 6 years now, and I’ve always been on Elendilmir. I hope this doesn’t sound silly but I feel like I’m losing my second home. Other than that I’m excited about the prospect of having more people to quest with. I’ve been running solo for far too long now. What servers would you guys suggest?
so I’m thinking can I like sell everything to one toon ,transfer the toon , transfer the cash , delete the toon , then begin the run on the next bank erh! cash out on next server . repeat … feels like a run on the Greeks bank before the euros got frozen.
hope I don’t get change interest from inter-server banking.
you think turbine will be having a cheap sale of character slots soon – incase I decide to not to murder my old toon’s to make room for the insurgence of toon”s seeking asylum from server genocide.
Never been to Gladden .. how about you Ma… Gladden! .. sound like a mighty happy place Pa.. pack up the kids ‘n load the truck sure Granma’s strap tight on the top of that Mria keg sure has plenty of lighting to Kick don’t need drinking too of that moonshine yet. Kids get we’re going to wallyworl…. ah ah ah…. make that Gladden…
All hope is not lost, my friends! I know that many folks will want to move their kinships to one of the remaining servers, and all of us in Rangers of the West are looking forward to opening our arms and hearts to welcome a plethora of wonderful new people to the Gladden server! We are a very helpful, friendly kin, and if you’d like to join us, you can fill out an application on our website at
Advice needed! I’m an UK player on one of the closing US servers, which of the remaining US servers has the highest UK population? I generally play at night around 1800-2200 GMT and don’t want to migrate to a server where no one is around whilst I’m on…
Thanks guys