/Joinchannel LandrovalMusic

Dear Musical LOTRO Players,

I wanted to make an announcement 🙂

In recent weeks I have been looking at ways I can serve my community on Landroval.I struck on the idea of a new server wide chatchannel for bands and music.

/LandrovalMusic is a community wide chat channel for all those who enjoy listening and playing LOTRO music. You don’t have to be in a band to join this channel. You don’t even have to be a musician 🙂

In this channel we can advertise who is playing where, as folks do in /Alesandtales – The LMB community wide channel.

One of the issues I have heard from many musicians is that we have a shortage of players who play music on Landroval and thus sometimes Bands are short on hands. This leads to doubleboxing or tripleboxing or more! Which can sometimes lessen the enjoyment of playing concerts.

I wanted to create a method in which band leaders and band members can communicate with each other and posssibly find musicians when in need.

Lilikate's Music FI

So I have created this chat channel for all musicians, no matter which kinship or group they belong to. It would be nice if the community could help out any band leader should they be in want of some musicians.

I would be willing if free, to help any band leader to play his or her arrangements… I hope, I can start a new trend on our server, where we all help each other. All band leaders need do is ask for help and post a link to their set.

Let me know what you all think of this idea, could it work? Would you be willing to play with another band if they needed more people?

See you in game!

Lilikate Buggins.


5 thoughts on “/Joinchannel LandrovalMusic”

  1. Great idea! I will tell Russian music and concert lovers about this chat channel! As soon as I reinstall my LotRO after Windows 10 update… 😀

    P.S. Can’t login via twitter. Strange.

  2. That is a brilliant idea. I’m not on Landy very often, but when I am I’ll join and be only to happy to play with other bands.

    I wonder if we can steal the idea for Laurelin – how would you feel about that?

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