Weatherstock VII – LOTRO Players LIVE Stream Details

Weatherstock is almost upon us and LOTRO Players is excited to announce that we will be live streaming all 5+ hours of Weatherstock VII. The stream will be hosted by the LOTRO Players News team.

On Saturday July 25th, the stream will start at 11:15 a.m. Eastern on Andang’s Twitch channel.

Join us in the Twitch chat by clicking here!

Weatherstock is LOTRO’s largest player run event.  Last year there were over 800 in-game attendees and several hundred more across the various Twitch streams.

Weatherstock takes months of planning each year to organize all the bands, security teams and player venders.  The event is run by The Lonely Mountain Band kinship.

3 thoughts on “Weatherstock VII – LOTRO Players LIVE Stream Details”

  1. Glad to see you have top billing as a livestreamer! I will be using your stream. I have just one suggestion… when you reach summit, would you tilt the camera to the entrance so we all can watch people stream in? helps with early boredom and all that 🙂

    1. I hope we can watch them stream in Tinki, I worry I will be stuttering in 🙂
      See you all at the top! Very excited it’s finally here. Or Tinki you could hide and we can spot you!

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