Bingo Boffin Brings Graphics Updates?

Are you tired of hearing about that silly named hobbit?  Well it might interest you that the Bingo Boffin story is doing more than just adding quests to the game.

According to a recent post by MadeOfLions, the Bingo Boffin story has caused some older areas to be updated graphically.

Q: I realized today there was a graphical revamp on the Barrow Downs. Does this new episodic content mean new graphics on the old areas? – DiogoVP

A: Occasionally! When reviewing the Bingo quest content, our Art Director saw a few places he wanted to touch up, so some regions might have gotten a few new coats of paint. – MoL

Learn more about Bingo here.

1 thought on “Bingo Boffin Brings Graphics Updates?”

  1. This is Great news, I hope Bingo visits the last homely home in the west. Id love to see Rivendell given a few more pixels, its not that I dont think they’ve done it well just that its all looking a little 2007 & a refresh would blow us all away again i’m sure.

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