Weatherstock is Almost Here!


Greetings LOTRO Players,

It’s almost the weekend and this year Weatherstock begins a little earlier with an amazing warm up party.

Those bands who played in the Concert Series and didn’t get a place at the top are going to be starting the festivities.


Located at the new festival stage in Bree-land. You can grab a quick transport from the Horse NPC near West Bree Stable.

Lets all go and give those bands some support and listen to their wonderful music.

Here is the lineup for Saturday too:

I feel that my friends at The Lonely Mountain Band have made a tremoundous effort this year hosting this event.

Many hours of work is needed to make this kind of gathering successful, and many hands contribute.

It is the most famous event in LOTRO and a wonderful community gathering which should be supported by all.

I would like those in the Kinship to know that I wish them a smooth day and will be there on both days to support the event.

I know I have some differing views about specific issues with other LMB members, I wish to assure them that I wish them no ill will.

Please email me if you wish to pass on any announcements, or contact other LOTROPlayers staff.


For the events:


Rember to lessen the lag on the day, make those small changes to minimise data. Unselect cloaks, remain on foot and not mounted, if it gets busy and I am sure it will, keep any graphic intensive skills or fireworks for between songs/bands.

If you need help there will be LMB members on hand to assist you.

See you Friday!





3 thoughts on “Weatherstock is Almost Here!”

  1. Undortunately Guinness World Records never gor back to me about the record setting thing we wanted to attempt. That means: No record attempt this year. I will count attendance nevertheless and also do some fun statistics about how many people cheered how many times and some other fun stuff like that. Thank you Lilikate, and LotroPlayers for the ongoing support over all these years. You do an incredible job in supporting our event! Lili, just remember to one day come back after your holidays.

    1. Floradine, That’s a shame. I’ll take that last image down then 🙁 Lets hope for better luck next year 🙂 I’m going fishing, you can always reach me by tell, email or in game letter. Those postal Hobbits work round the clock.

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