New Roving Threats and PvMP Details – Update 16.2

In a recent article, Turbine has stated that new roving threats are coming to older areas of LOTRO:

“Roving Threats have now been added to Evendim, The North Downs, and the dangerous reaches of Mirkwood.”

The article also hints at new PvMP cosmetics being added to the in-game store.

One surprising thing in the article was this quote:

“Update 16.2 PvMP content can be unlocked by being VIP.
Not VIP? Upgrade your account today.

Does this mean that the new PvMP map requires VIP on both sides or is there an alternative way to purchase it and the writer of the article is simply trying to force VIP upon the readers?  Either way I think this could become a mistake for Turbine as they might miss out on a lot of money and PvMP players from this decision.

3 thoughts on “New Roving Threats and PvMP Details – Update 16.2”

  1. Do people still do roving threats? Never see any runs for them forming on Elendilmir. And the fact that there is no rewards unless you do almost 200 of them, is such a chore.

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