Poll: What Kind Of War-steed Do You Use?

What kind of War-steed do you use?

What kind of War-steed do you use?

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10 thoughts on “Poll: What Kind Of War-steed Do You Use?”

  1. I chose light because most of my characters have light steeds while only a few have heavy. For some reason I never cared much for medium. I’d love to hear the benefits of medium vs the other two. Good poll.

  2. Light, because that’s the fastest. And… in my humble opinion, the most beautiful. Once tried a Heavy one. I looked ridiculous on that way to large mount 🙂

  3. You didn’t have an option for all of the above. I have a level 100 of all classes and I’ve used all three different types of warsteeds. On some toons I prefer heavy and some I prefer light. Actually my warden is the only one that I normally use a medium steed on.

    1. I updated with a new option for that. Normally I have that answer but I guess I am very once-sided on War-steeds :D.

  4. I wish I could vote in more than one option, but I voted for heavy because that’s the mounted spec that I chose for 6 of my toons (hunter, burg, warden, champ, cappy and guard), although I use light for LM, minstrel and RK. The beorning is not there yet, but I have a feeling he’ll pick heavy for himself…

  5. I voted all equally…

    My Champ uses a Medium. My Hunter, Mini, and LM use Light steeds (as will my 75 Burg who’s finishing up the Great River). My Cappy and Warden use Heavy. It really depends on what you’re doing with the toon you’re playing at the time.

    If I can avoid it, I don’t use warsteeds on a regular basis though. If I have enough ranged damage to take down the mounted enemies without mounting up, I prefer that method. The system is not refined or polished enough and often, I do better DPS (and don’t accidentally pull as many mobs) on foot.

  6. Depends on the situation for me – I’m a recent convert to a light steed on my Guardian for most things … but heavy just looks wayyy cooler and is sturdier. So sometimes I’m on heavy for the looks (and some fights) and sometimes I’m on light for the speed (and most fights).

  7. Can’t stand them. I used the war-steed so infrequently that I took the skill off my toolbar. The only time I bother is when everyone else in the group feels the need to use them and I don’t want to make them wait. I haven’t killed a warband on horseback in a year and a half.

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