Our thoughts go out to the family of Sir Christopher Lee. A spokesman for the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea said Lee passed away on Sunday at the age of 93.
Sir Christopher Lee is best known for his roles as Saruman, Dracula and Count Dooku.
There have been many Tweets honoring Sir Christopher Lee:
So so sorry to hear that #christopherlee has passed away. He was a fascinating person. Threw a bic pen into a tree in front of me. #legend
— Dominic Monaghan. (@DomsWildThings) June 11, 2015
Can we dedicate this year's @Weatherstock to Sir Christopher Lee please? What say you, folk of #LOTRO? #Saruman
— Herebrand of Rohan (@LOTROHerebrand) June 11, 2015
One of the finest has passed. Nîr tôl erin baded lîn. Sounds like a truly great character, its been a pleasure hearing some of his stories recounted by those who met him. RIP.
Didn’t he played as one of the Sith Lords in the old Star Wars Movie?
He played Count Dooku
He is and for ever will be Dracula…
Those Hammer films are wonderful
He also did a great performance as the voice of death in a discworld movie
An actor, a WWII vet, a death metal singer…..Christopher Lee was one of those figures who inspired generations with his accomplishments.
Could there have been casted a better Saruman???? I think not!
Not everyone is aware of it, but there have been few Tolkien scholars of his magnitude which I did not learn until I started watching some video chats he recorded over the last few years. He also claimed to have read LOTR every year of his life since he was a young boy, and given that he lived to the ripe old age of 93, that is quite a few. My only surprise is that he did not find a way to live to the age of 111. A remarkable man.
P.S. – I should mention he was also one of my favorite Bond villains! Scaramanga The Man with the Golden Gun! (and with 3 nipples.. Ahem)
yeah a lot of people forget about Man With A Golden Gun, but lets forget about the 3 nipples lol Where did they get that name, Scaramanga?