Hullo LOTRO Players,
This Saturday at 5:00 p.m. server time (Eastern), Andang and I along with the Middle-earth Lore team will be recording some moving pictures of Dwarves in Ered Luin on Landroval server.
We need more Dwarves!
We are filming walking shots and more walking shots. With waving and cheering and other emotes smattered in between. We are also looking to record a feasting sequence.
Seven of the best looking Dwarves will be invited to take part in a “Waking” scene as well as a “Sleeping” scene.
If you think you could give up a little time please meet us at 5 p.m. outside the main door to Thorin’s Hall. We expect to take 90 minutes to record all our footage.
Stay up to date on everything Middle-earth Lore by following us on Twitter: @MiddleearthLore
You should mention server’s name. Greets
Updated: It is on Landroval.
As Aerrion says need server, assuming you mean Landroval?
Yep, updated
Nooooo, I’ll still be at work.
And I’m the best-looking Dwarf on Landroval! *cries into my beer*
I’m not the best dress in Middle-Earth, but sadly wont be able to get on line till bout 6 server time….:( But will sneak over to Thorins Hall to see whats going on…
Send a tell to Andang once you show up and we will see if we still need another then