Today LOTRO Players is turning 2 and to celebrate we are giving away a code for a year of VIP!
Entries will close on June 15th.
How to Enter
To enter the giveaway please leave a comment below. Duplicate comments from the same user will be only counted once. Each comment will be assigned a number in order. The winner will be selected with a random number generator. The winner will be contacted through the email attached to the comment.
Please make sure you have a valid email that you check regularly attached to the account you are commenting with. We will send an email to the winner. The winner will have a week to respond. Once they respond we will send them the code and the contest will end. If the winner does not respond within a week, we will choose and contact a new winner who will also have a week to respond. This will continue to repeat until we find a winner.
All LOTRO Players website/podcast past or current staff and immediate family are not be eligible for this contest.
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Want to see more giveaways? We need your help! Giveaways are funded by supporting The Players Alliance on Patreon.
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Oooh… Giveaways
Need this please because I am now too poor to be VIP anymore
Need this too
Pick me! pick me!
Real nicey! Thank you folks, not only for the give aways, but for your good work on the website as well!
I really hope I win
Me! Me! Pick Me!
How generous of you!
This would be awesome
My preeeeecioussss
these are the drones your looking for… to give them a vip code!
I wish I won but oh well
yes please!!! Love LOTRO players! And LOTRO of course
Imagine, one wins this and this >
These will make him the happiest man on earth, I guess.
Thank you LOTRO Players !
1 year VIP? No way
Yes please! My VIP subscription is about to run out so this would be awesome!
More Give it away, give it away, give it away now!
Thanks guys for another great giveaway!
Can I haz givvavvayy, please? =) Coz I’m in looooooove with the Loooooootrooooooo………!!! <3
This would be awesome!
Nice of you guys to do this. Keep up the fantastic job. Cheers!
A whole year of pie-running!
Free stuff is always good.
V.I.P. powa! that’s just wot i’m missing for eternal LUV! Thank you Yoohoo!
Entering on behalf of my daughter since I am luckily a lifetimer!
Amazing! =DD
You are to kind!
1year Vip amazing
Good Luck to all!
Apologies to everyone else! This ones mine! (lol)
A year vip would be great
ooh wonderful!
Pick me! Pick me! I’ll be your best friend!!!
Ooh, a year is a long time.
Happy anniversary lotro players
Awesome giveaway, even better than 5k TP
Woot Woot!
Happy Anniversary! Y’all have done a great job.
Count me in for the the giveaway.
Love me some giveaways!
Thanks LOTRO Players and happy anniversary. Good luck all!
Very nice!
VIP powa! thank you for so much giveaway.
Winning both is a tad unlikely, but its worth a try!
Good Luck
Oh gods, I can’t believe it:)
Thank you and good luck.
Very nice, thanks for the chance!
Hohoho you are insane, 2 giveaways at once, both awsome. I hope you hands will survive all these accepting comments
Congrats Goblinbane! You were chosen randomly through as the winner. I just sent you an email. You have one week to reply back to the email or else the code goes on to a new winner.
Good luck to everyone!
Hope some thats needs this wins!
Another great giveaway!
Thank you Lotro Players and Happy 2nd anniversary. Good luck to everyone.
thanks in advance
Oooh niice
wow me want!
i like free vip
I hope to be the winner
Hello, as always great podcast!!! Thank you for everything
And..I hope I win…
May the Luck be with us
More years in service! Thank you for doing this
Thank You!
Trying my luck
Long Live Lotro!
I really hope to win, never have been vip and really want it.
Very kingly giveaway. Nice one guys
oooh nice. everyone loves the vip giveaway!
Free 1yr VIP? Yes please and thank you!
つ ◕_◕ ༽つ VIP
Thank you
I am a lifer but my buddy is not.
The other Brag
Lovin’ the giveaways
Thanks for doing the giveaway!
Nice Prize
ooh very nice!
good luck yall
Thanks for this and all you guys do!!!
ty for the giveaway
Will their be a birthday cake?
And most importantly, will it be shared with the people commenting here? :3
Great giveaway! Good luck to everyone)
Another giveaway? Nice
It would be amazing!!!
Another one O.o Nice !
Holy Molly, 1 year VIP, thats awesome. Good luck everyone!
Happy Birthday!
Good luck everyone! I’ll be so excited if i get this
“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.”
Such fun.
Wowzers epic lootz :)……
You guys are awesome, this is great, good luck everyone
God luck all
Ooh access to mobile mail within my grasp…enough to make a grown man very excited!
This is super great! Thanks for all you do for the LOTRO community!
Hello! Really apprecieate the idea! I wish you a great summer!
I hope I win!
Pick me ! I never been a VIP before and this would be great ! Thanks for this awesome chance !
Good Luck to all!
Thanks for this awesome chance to be a VIP ! I never been a VIP before and that would be fantastic !
Happy birthday!! nice to celebrate with a give away
Thanks for this chance ! I hope i win , i never been a VIP before and i realyy need this !
Two giveaways in a row, awesome!
Congratulations on turning 2! Long live LOTRO Players!
Thank you
Lotro is the best MMORPG ever!!!! I’ve been playing it for years and I’ll play it until the end of my days!!
I am enterz giv 1 yr ef supskription plz! JK i need this now! For the love of Illuvatar!!
A Kingly Gift indeed.
Congratulations on the 100th episode. Keep up the good work
Hooray for giveaways! Thanks guys!
Give us the precious code
Mr bojangle
Wow, amazing price!
Good luck everyone!
Yes! I had to drop my VIP, due to finances reasons, so this would be wonderful!
Thanks for the giveaway!
A podcast so nice, I listen to every episode twice
That’s awesome
A very generous giveaway!
Oooo sweet dreams
would be nice
another great give away!
Oooh, never been VIP before. I can only hope and pray, good luck everyone.
Another awesome giveaway.
Thank you very much.
good luck everyone!
This would be good
Wololo Prist says nice!
That is totally awesome . VIP to for a year !!!
Thank you for this great prize!
If we win, can we give it to someone else?
VIP is precious…..
This is neat! Good luck everyone! \o/
YES!!! I want that!!! GL to all
I’m so poor, thanks for the giveaway!
Yeah another giveaway!! Thanks for making this happen guys.
good luck everyone!!
happy 2 years!
Sounds good, count me in.
Happy Anniversary!
Thank you. Vip would be neat for my quick immersions and reduce my saddle sores!
Aragorn is a very important person. I help Aragorn defeat Sauron’s folks. So, I guess a VIP code wouldn’t hurt.
Great idea, hats off to Andang
It’s my Birthday on the 15th June ^_^
Boy, VIP for a year would unlock a whole bunch of stuff permanently, right. That would be awesome! Thanks and good luck to all!
Sounds like we’re all broke
Wonderful idea, keep it up!
Thanks for the giveaway!
*leaves comment* *whispers* (Pick me pick me pick me)
Oh me me me! =]
Thanks thats awesome
I would love to win
Once again, awesome giveaway
I like this game and need the Vip
Wargs need vip too! GL everybody
If I win this, no body will see me for one year!
Good luck!
You guys are amazing. Thanks for putting up another great contest.
Would love this! Especially seeing as I haven’t been able to afford VIP for a very long time now
Thank you
Pick me pick me
I wanna get this giveaway to get more benefit out of my beloved lotro
sweet prize!
This is great!
yes, I am the one you want to give that
Giveaways are always nice
Good luck!!
Thanks LOTRO, u guys are the best
How generous! Pick me please!
the giveaway is awesome guys thanks
Niiice.. Hope i can get it!!!
Ben playing for a long time as free to play bring on the vip
This would be epic! Another year of VIP!
Good luck to everyone!
good luck me!
1 year of free vip.. oh yes please… that whould be so awsome…
good luck everyone
ive never been vip so i hope ill be i winner
nice ! Good Luck everyone !
i hope i win, goodluck all
Well doesn’t that look shiny, gl to all
Very nice competition
You guys are so awesome to have these giveaways! Congratulations on your anniversary!!
VIP would make an awesome birthday gift for my daughter.
Holy banana! nice.
What a great site and giveaway!
…aaand here we go. You post onto a Reply, and if you don’t keep your keyboard, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.”
Hmm, wish you guys would get this big a turnout for non-giveaways also. Very nice gesture Lotroplayers. good luck to all.
That’s a really sweet giveaway… Of course, I would love to win, but I wish good luck to everyone! ^*^
This is great! Hope I win!
This is awesome. Another give away. You guys are the best!
I need this
Count me in for VIP , and Happy Anniversary for you all !
May the best me win
Count me in!
VIP hype!
Would love this!
Good luck everyone
yiha again
May the best man/woman win!
plz i need this
нифига себе!!!
Awesome, consider me entered
Thanks for all the giveaways and good luck everyone.
Anf another great Giveaway and grats to 2 years.
Thanks for another great giveaway
Thank you for the giveaways. Good luck to all
Yayyy giveaways
Cool, happy birthday 1 year and I found the site just some weeks ago.
Let’s try to win
I will try!
I want this
please please please
could use it
Pls,pls i need the vip, im free and i want to be vip/premium.
happy anniversary!
OMG giveawaaayyyyyyyy, currently too poor to buy vip. Really hope I win, but I wish you all the best if luck
You are the best:)
I would like to win that code!
Ohhhhh I would love to be VIP for a year…..;)
need it, need it
Yay! This would be amazing….
For Gondor!
VIP be mine!
Wow here’s hoping I win.
Great giveaway guys!
very nice!
Great job to all the staff keeping up the website and making it both entertaining and resourceful =D
Gratz the person who wins!
for gondor!
great!!! good luck everyone :o)
Sweeet giveaway :))
Yayy. Very nice
Very much liking what you are doing here.
Isengard bids 5
Oh wow. This would be SO awesome to win.
Sweet prize. Go LoTRO Players.
Good Luck to all, especially to ME!!!
This sounds really great!
I’m just here for popcorn!
Good luck to everyone
Me, Me pick me!!!
Thank you very much for the chance of having a dream coming true!!! =D
1 year of LOTRO VIP!!!! Thank you very much for this opportunity! And congratulations for the 2 years of Lotroplayers!
I hope I win.
hope to win
i really want it
Another amazing giveaway! Thanks to LOTRO Players for everything you do!
Congrats on 2
Captain for the President!
VIP for the VIP yo
Thanks for all your hard work on the website and podcasts guys. Keep up the good work.
Much needed wow
Congratulations for the 2-year milestone! Keep up the good work! Cheers.
I hope I win!
This would be so useful!
Our band is also turning 2 soon! Happy B-day to u
need it too)
Let’s do that!
Congrats for the 2 years!
Hullo friends
Nice Idea! Hoping to win
This would be pretty awesome. Haven’t had a VIP sub since back during RoR.
Way to celebrate, always giving to the community, thanks a lot and good luck to all!
Moar lootz!!! Thanks for these giveawayssss
Thanks for the chance!! Woo!
I never win anyhting. Hoping this time my curse might break!
This is even better! You guys rock I wanna wiiiiinn
Here’s hoping!
Hopefully me! (Sorry everyone else….)
Lotro for da wins!!!!!
Count me in for sure
hello all
happy gaming
good luck to everyone
Me me me!!!! This is awesome
This has to be mine!
It’s a pain not being able to be VIP for years… I’d be very very happy if you pick me! Thanks! And good luck everyone!
286 FTW
Amazing good luck to everyone
Very very nice! Thank you!
That is great. Fingers crossed.
Thank you guys and good luck everybody.
Thank you!
I’d love to win this
This is so exciting! Good luck, everyone!
very nice giveaway!
would totally love to have vip >.<
Here i am! 1 year VIP will be mine!
You give some nice giveaways, I appreciate everyone you do !
Want it *_*
Love this idea, thank you so much!
Having recently discovered (and becoming obsessed with) LOTRO I am delighted to have found this site. Also, yay giveaway!
Me, me , me … NOW ! Ty
Awesome goodluck to everyone !
It would be great to win, LotRO is my favourite game and I cannot imagine playing anything else.
GL to everyone
Good Luck To all of you!
Please pick me!
Good luck to everyone
Thank you, good luck everyone!
I would like it ! very much !
I want the VIP
I hope i can win!
I’d love to win VIP as I have been f2p all the way!
Good luck! and Enjoy the Vip if you win!
Is it still available?
for Gondor!
Good luck to you all ,and have fun in this
Get a number -> become VIp soounds good to me
1 year lotro vip sounds nice
they see me trollong, they hating …… :O (bananas_rule_the_world)
Why not?
I wouldn’t mind giving this a go.
1 year vip sounds nice, also nice a giveaway, this should be interesting
Keep up the good work folks.
Thanks and good luck, everyone!
pick me pls i beg you man
bin hoffetnlich dabei, gute idee
I feel lucky! Fingers crossed…
please pick me :'(
big oportunity for me to get that vip! would love to get that since i never had the chance to get that to enjoy this game

Great idea! Thank you!
Lotro FTW !
Congrats to Goblinbane on being chosen through as the winner. They have 1 week to reply back to the email that was sent to them. Otherwise the code goes on to a new winner.
Cool, thanks for posting the result! a transparent giveaway. Congrats to him/her!
hope i win
I can’t believe I lost this opportunity.
Die Möglichkeit etwas zu gewinnen finde ichKlasse, obwohl ich eigentlich noch nie etwas gewonnen habe, Aber ein Versuch ist es wert.
It would be amazing to get this
I need the giveaway for a horse ingame
i will not win
Been playing 6yrs, mortgages eh, makes lotro subscription unaffordable.
could really use this love playing lord of the rings been playing for 2 years know.