Poll: Should Top Gear Be Gated Behind T2C Instances?

Thanks to Berenthalion for suggesting this week’s poll.

Should top gear be gated behind T2C instances?

Should top gear be gated behind T2C instances?

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10 thoughts on “Poll: Should Top Gear Be Gated Behind T2C Instances?”

    1. I agree that it should be available from T2. T2C should just have a much higher drop chance.
      And about T2C being too hard, its not. You can finish all 3 challenges with basic DA essence armour and bb jewellery. All you need are 3 ppl who know how to play their class, thats all. Heck, I’d even take ppl with less than optimal gear when I know they got skills 😀

  1. Well, as far as I noticed T1 loot in Osgiliath is a total junk. No point to do them,

    T2 and T2C in Osgi are hard and take lot of time. For me too much time, prefer to do other things then spend 1-2 h in one instance (if all goes well), so I dont do T2 and do not gear for them, but I have nothing against some nice rewards for people doing them. So Morgul crests hidden in T2C chests are not a problem for me.

    The only problem I have with Osgiliath is that the loot there is bounded. I could pay T2 raider lot of gold for some nice secondary weapon or cloak, but Turbine decided to try to made us all to play T2 and bounded loot. Well, I am still not interested, cause to play T2 I would have to change at least part of my armor and jewels to increase mitigations (specially tactical) and morale, but I am not going to double my equipment to have other armor and jewels for solo playing and normal instances (where I focus on DPS with low morale and low tact mitig to kill things fast) and other for T2.

    I am now grinding another toon, which I will probably build for T2C with focus on high survivability, but due to bounding all he will get there will be useful only for him, so I do not now if there is point in doing that..,

    Alas Lotro is focusing too much on gear for my liking, Not your skill, not your knowledge of your toon abilities and enemies skills and weak sides, but grind for gear is crucial to succeed…

  2. The T1 loot is leaving much to be desired currently. It should allow you to gear up to take on T2, and likewise T2C. It would be great if T1 dropped Dol Amroth essence gear, essences, BB jewels & cloaks/offhands (teal) as an alternative to the solo grinds. Leaving the sets and crests in T2/T2C. I’d also be okay with the sets being in T1 since they are not any better than the DA essence gear really & less flexible obviously.

    Its kinda a shame the way they have done it. 16.1 looks to be a marginal improvement with marks being upped (in a weird way though) but leaving the terrible gear in T1 unsolved.

    This question seems to divide people in a major way on the official forums though Karvett, its weirdly controversial. Phrases like “gear poverty” get used, forced grouping etc.

    Ps. totally fell asleep 2 mins in to the 100th episode, sorry couldn’t hang out in chat longer! its late in the UK when you’re on! 🙂

  3. With the current DA armour and essences you can get from epic battles the t2c instances are very doable. Myself and a couple of kinmates have gotten Ruined City t2c down to 16 minutes KB to KB. If there weren’t any “shinies” to get from t2c there would be no reason to run them negating all the time it took to make them.

  4. I think how it is now is pretty good. They have very viable options from both solo and group (for example with essence gear, 4-slot for solo, 5-slot for group), as well as now BB jewelry v. socketed jewelry. It’s an interesting balance they have right now, but I think it works for the most part and lets us pick a bit. Now I will say that I wouldn’t really care for the 5-slot because it’s literally like a 15 to 30 stat increase, aside from if you want to stack rating, so that’s fine to be for super min-maxers. But yeah, generally, I do agree that T2/T2C loot should be top gear, but it should only ever be a nominal difference.

  5. Yes, and this is coming from a Burglar who, sadly, is all but locked out of these instances.

    Something Lotro has lacked for a long while now, and what has been its greatest reason for decline over that time, at least thematically, is there has been nothing for us toward which to strive over that time. Even now, besides the equipment and Morgul crests only able to be found in the Tier 2 Osgilliath instances, every other piece of gear, Marks, Medallions, and so on, is able to be gathered more quickly doing Tier 1 instances over and over.

    As Amenhir said above, there needs to be a reason to run the T2C instances, and run them more than once, in order to justify the effort to create them.

  6. Maybe they decided not for a reason. But I feel like there’s no purpose of getting top gear since there isn’t way to prove you are a better player. People will always derail each other and put them self on top. So, we are only deciding because other games have it… I’ve been to a mmo where you won’t be able to dps landscape raids(each hit will be a miss), because you have pvp armour on. But in order to get gold gear you had the ability to craft it or earn it through a lootbox. As well as earning rep and tokens(fellowship tokens) to get a better gold version of it.. But I quit since It was too much to work since I have already done so much(little) in lotro….

    It will will need lots of planning since now we have bums, like me, in lotro.. I have completed one full essence armour with not many golded essences. 5 amour essence(it means I only did 5) on 4 characters. At least 3 bb gold jewels on 4 characters. 4 on one.. With at least one first age weapon or book for all 5 characters.

    If only we had a good population, I could have completed it all!
    Do we even have enough people for such plan?!
    Should lotro stay different and not hop on the bandwagon of fellowships and raiding?!
    I like bbs, you can sleep and play at the same time!

  7. My vote is “Other” – as long as they make essence gear the final goal, I will continue to refuse to grind and barter for it. I’ve yet to make a single piece of essence gear, and yet I’ve been able to solo the new T1 3-man’s with lvl 95 crafted gear with relative ease.

    So now I’m “supposed” to go get DA essence gear to complete T2, so that I’ll be rewarded with (after running the instances many, many times)… different essence gear? I read that as – “Grind, so I can go grind, to get more grind.” Pure insanity and no reason at all to run T2.

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