Spring Festival 2015 Improvements

As part of the Spring Festival 2015, Turbine is introducing a number of quality of life fixes that are being well received by the community. After issues caused the Spring Festival to be pulled down last week only hours after it went online, an updated version of the event has gone up on the Bullroarer test server as part of Update 16.1 testing. In addition to new cosmetics and a new steed, the 2015 festival will see improvements to: travelling between festival hubs; the Bree-land Festival Grounds; and earning cosmetic pets.

Click any of the images to see the original post and higher quality images.

Crazypants of Landroval posted an image on Twitter of the new cosmetics, which this year features a tunic and trousers. Over the last year or two we’ve only gotten a cloak and robe each festival, so these new additions should be a boon for the cosmetic community.

Gloredh from Wandering Arda has snapped some lovely screenshots of the new festival steed, the Steed of New Bloom.


Herebrand of Rohan reports that there is now a new Stable-master route from the West Bree gate to the Bree-land Festival Ground, which will make picking up and turning in quests a lot easier. Curious to see if The Shire Race-track gets a similar service.

This new travel route will come in handy, as Lasswen has spotted a new festival stage and performance area at the Festival Grounds in Bree-land. It will be interesting to see if the stage stays active after the festival for use by bands throughout the year.


If you missed out on the Shrew cosmetic pets last year you’ll be in luck this year, as according to Crazypants the pets can now be bartered for with festival tokens.

The Spring Festival is scheduled to go live on Tuesday June 9.



5 thoughts on “Spring Festival 2015 Improvements”

  1. Awww come on, Shire ran out of tablecloths? Really nice horse, first one in years I’ll actually bother to get.

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