Tolkien Professor Corey Olsen has been fighting the good fight in Middle-earth for some months now. Along the way, he has been gathering the material he needs for the free LOTRO lore course he will be teaching through the Mythgard Institute this fall.
Phase 1 of his course preparation has included Mythgard Mondays, a get-together at the Bird and Baby pub on Landroval every Monday where Wigend (Corey’s guardian) gave a short lore talk before leading the group into a variety of adventures around Eriador, including skirmishing led by Pineleaf Needles on alternate weeks.
Corey is now moving in to Phase 2 of his preparation. On Friday May 15th at 12:30 pm, he joins the LOTRO Stream Team.
“I’ve prepared for this new venture and am very excited to get started,” he said. “I will create a new character in the first session, and then primarily follow the epic quest line with a few detours here and there. Along the way, I will look at how Tolkien’s story has been adapted and expanded upon.”
All are invited to attend the stream, ask questions, and offer input to Corey’s sessions. If you are unable to make the live sessions, no worries: They will be recorded and made available on the LOTRO Stream channel and on the Mythgard Youtube channel.
Mythgard Monday will continue on Landroval in tandem with Corey’s steaming activity, only it has now become “Mythgard Monday on Tuesday or Friday” and is now biweekly.
For information about either of Corey’s activities, contact Glordriel Arrowmaven, Mythgard kin leader.