5 thoughts on “Poll: What Part of Update 16 Will You Do First?”
As long as I get to keep all the skills on my LI’s I will not imbue.
I tried it on Bullroarer and I lost things that are important to me.
I have thrown all the other LI’s away, I am not throwing away skills and enhancements I want. Leave it to the devs and the LOTRO Store people to make LI’s more grief.
I have been playing since closed beta, with or without LI’s or their changes, its still the story, the world and the folks I meet that are most important. They will never deliver on what the LI promise was before Moria.
Besides your gear and skill trees lotro has always had a minor system for virtues. These would level with your character as you completed deeds around the game. Minor buffs
Today in a post on the forums, Vyvyanne said there are no plans for mounted epic battles. How do you think the Battle of Pelennor Fields will be depicted in LOTRO?
Far along the borders of the Wild, protecting civilized lands from harm are the prepared Warden. For generations they have been held with high admiration for their swift call to
As long as I get to keep all the skills on my LI’s I will not imbue.
I tried it on Bullroarer and I lost things that are important to me.
I have thrown all the other LI’s away, I am not throwing away skills and enhancements I want. Leave it to the devs and the LOTRO Store people to make LI’s more grief.
I have been playing since closed beta, with or without LI’s or their changes, its still the story, the world and the folks I meet that are most important. They will never deliver on what the LI promise was before Moria.
The other Brag, Bragenthorne of Gladden
After uploading files (hopefully without hiccup!) I will hopefully just continue playing…
I will do what I always do when a new region opens: SIGHTSEE!
Then of course, the Epics .
I really should get a toon to lvl 100…
With you there…my RK is getting close…lv80!!!