A Message to Players From the Closing Russian Servers

Frelorn posted the following announcement for the Russian players. The original message is in Russian, which roughly translates to:

Russian game servers Lord of the Rings Online on June 1, will be closed. Unfortunately, we can not move the Russian accounts and / or characters on our servers (in the same way, we can not carry out the transfer from American to European servers and vice versa). We very much want the Russian players to continue playing on our servers without starting all over again, so if you plan to continue to play LOTRO, you should do the following.

Create a request to our support site support.turbine.com. In the request, specify that you would like to go to the servers Turbine, to continue to play LOTRO. You will be contacted our staff will check your data and then provide you with:

  • 750 Turbine Points
  • Stone derudha (Derudh’s Stone)
  • LOTRO Starter Set
  • Moria and Mirkwood quest packs

If you come to us with a Russian server, we recommend that you install the game via the platform Steam – so you will be much easier to use the shop.

Thank you very much for what you want to continue to play LOTRO. We hope to see you again! “

2 thoughts on “A Message to Players From the Closing Russian Servers”

  1. I feel like a variant of the Gift of the Valar for higher level players would be more useful. Although they say they’d like Russian players not to have to start all over, that’s exactly what they’re making them do, even if it is accelerated with the Derudh’s stone.

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