This week we talk about ancient forests and singing Balrogs.
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Russian LOTRO Servers Closing May 1st
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LOTRO Players News
Poll: How Much TP Would You Pay to Unlock the Mearas Quests?
New Player Question
Alcohol in LOTRO?
- L.UN.C.H. – Vanyar’s new 1st place time! 1:16:20. Meneldor toasted a chicken in Eregion.
- Workin’ on the Guardian – re-exploring Mounted Combat
- Got lost in Carn Dum for the first time :/
- Raid, Raid, Raid part 2. – Lead mostly on Level Rift Raid. Despite several players having perpetually muddled-wits we managed to wipe half a dozen times trying to figure out the mechanics on the Balrog.
- Inspired to write a LOTRO themed Parody as a result of the Raid
A Parody by Karvett – Do you want to kill a Balrog?
– to the tune of Do you want to build a snowman? From Frozen
Do you wanna kill a Balrog?
Come on lets go and raid
I never shield you anymore
Zone out the door
It’s like you’ve gone AFK-
We used to be ‘leet raiders
And now we’re not
Are lag spikes the reason why?-
Do you wanna kill a Balrog?
It doesn’t have to be Thaurlach.
Go away, Karvett
Ok, bye….
Do you wanna kill a Balrog?
Or charge our steeds through the halls
I think a fellowship is overdue
I’ve started pugging too
with anyone in world-
(Looking for Group!)
It gets a little lonely
All these empty slots,
Just watching the Dots tick by-
(Dot Tic, Dot Tic, Dot Tic, Dot Tic, Dot Tic)
- Moria with the Mrs – Completed Vol 2 Book 2. Learned that Mrs Karv has not earned /follow leadership rights: Wide corners in moria… Wide.
- Continued grinding Anniversary coins to collect Eriador and Moria maps (distracted by cake hats and you in a box)
- Glordriel got kindred level with all three Elf factions–got a horse
- Raid Raid Raid Part 2
- Accompanied Wigend through the final instance of Volume 1 (cheers from the crowd) while he tested out Twitch
- Ran the Rift on my burglar while she was completely smashed.
- Did some crafting on the burg of more ale for next week.
- On Gladden, my Beorning completed Volume 1 of the epic story, as well as the Moria intro.
- My Beorning on Windfola ran the Pelargir epic battle and our group ran Battle for the 21st Hall at Tier 3, which is the first time we did that skirmish.
- Participated in a performance at a Horse Show. Best use of the Hobnanigans field.
Skirmish of the Week
Topic: What are the pros and cons of Fangorn?
We currently have six supporters on Patreon. If you would like to join this illustrious fellowship of players and help support LOTRO Players, simply go to the donation page where you can support The Players Alliance on Patreon. There you will find rewards including a mention on the podcast of your choice, or even guest for an episode on LOTRO Players News.
This week we did not receive any reviews on iTunes.
Stuart wrote:
“Hi lotro players news
As always it is great to continue to your weekly podcast – feels like the podcast has a new energy about it – great interaction you stalwarts and new presenters
I have a question for you?
How do you keep your interest and participation in the game – after update 15 the grind has caught up with me and I have not been in game for 2-3 months
I wonder whether you could share your own experiences and if it applies how you got yourself back into the game
Keep up the great work
Barnabras wrote in with his 8th origin story:
“A Moors Tail
Deep in the shadows of the Ettenmoors there lived a fierce warg named Arathaert. He was cunning, strong, and his enemies feared him. But it was not his power alone that the free folk feared. After every victory, he would lift his leg and perform the dreaded “steam stream” on his defeated foe.
One day he was stalking his prey, which was becoming increasingly scarce. He spied a Champion, and became dishearten. “Those Champs always hurt my teeth” he thought. “And they always runaway before you can finish them, like a, like, a….”. Arathaert was lost in time as he remembered his youth as a pup in the dens of Isengard. “A chicken!” he shouted. “Those things tasted great, not like these fowl Champs. I haven’t seen a chicken in ages, and it’s almost LUNCH time.” His wicked mind quickly devised a terrible plan. He gathered up his creepy friends and approached GV. “First we are going to need a distraction.” barked the Warg. “How are you going to make that happen?” asked Pinevenom. “Like this!” roared the Taskmaster, as he picked up the spider in his maw and hurled him toward the one shoters. As the weaver sailed through the air he was filled with so many arrows that when he fell to the ground he looked like an eight legged hedgehog. “Now’s my chance.” Arathaert stealthed and dodge past the one shoters, into GV and burst out the back door.
Now Arathaert travels all the worlds of Middle Earth searching for the delicious chickens. But he is a very sporting warg; he will tell you where he’s going every week.”
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Arathaert @Arathaert
Braxwolf @Braxwolf
Karvett @KarvettLP
Lilikate @Lilikatebuggins
Maven @mindsharemaven
Pineleaf @PineleafNeedles
Teriadwyn @Teriadwyn
Final Thoughts
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Thanks for listening!
Thanks for the great read Pineleaf! Sorry you had to die, but that’s what you do best in the moors. Now on the subject of Aratheart’s warg name. It was never mentioned on the LPN podcast or anywhere on the Lotroplayers website. And because of the strict policies that govern Origin Stories, I could not deviate. Sorry my hands were tied. You did mention your tribe name, something Noms, but I was far too lazy to look it up. Hope this clears everything up.
Haha no worries! I love it!
TIPSY in lotro: My fav occurrence is the Moria drinking farewell quest chain…
Brewing and Pipe weed was a big thing in the early game; nowadays is not so visible (no more beers have been introduced in ages) But with the birth of ale/beer crafting I am pretty sure TURBINE are missing a great marketing tool… how about a LOTRO Player craft beer collection?
Arathaert Ale
Like an arrow to the heart: powerful brew.
Karvett Stout
Pour this beer on your collar: a truly distinctive beer
Maven Beer
A hearty beer that hits one the stomach quite expertly
Teriadwyn Ale
A pale ale which requires bravery to drink
Pineleaf Lager
Piney with a fresh yet sharp hint of forest that prickles the tongue.
Andang Ale
A red ale, almost flaming beer, with a spicy finish.
Lilikate Lager
A beer with melodic mix of italian grappa and london gin overtones, and a tricky tinki hidden in the background.
Drac elA
A bloody punch in the face of a beer
Braxwolf Porter
A dark ale which imparts the beneficial qualities of the hair of the wolf that bit you the night before before making you run off to howl at the moon!
Ethelros Ale
A brainy beer from Wales, not a pale imitation. Made from coals in da valleys!
Also tipsy LOTRO play in RW … been there but sleep is my biggest enemy, have woken up with face on the keyboard a couple of times!
Fangorn sounds great, I was also disappointed by Mirkwood…too empty (of mobs) let alone trees…
Pine leaf suggested:
That ork chopped trees.
Ork on a Fork in denial.
Pines and leaves…
Oops longer than intended: great show though
I’ll drink to that!
“Russian LOTRO Servers Closing May 1st”
I think that is incorrect. In Soviet Russia, LOTRO Servers shut YOU down…