This week we are very excited to have John DiBartolo guest on the show.
Blooper video here.
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LOTRO Players News
LOTRO Video Highlights: Dâr Narbugud Moria Raid
Brax’s pick of the week: “At the Tobacconist” — Galenir’s machinima
New Player Question
Gift of the Valar – pros and cons
- Part of Karv’s Rift adventure (which he will talk about)
- Did some stuff with Teri
- First time anniversary event – chased envelopes all over Bree (nice war steed cosmetic drop) plus sentence I never EVER thought I’d say
- First time leading a “full” raid – The Rift at Nurz Gashu. Mostly on level-ish. I can see why it takes a particular mindset to organize runs like this. At least 2 more runs in the near future.
- Went Postal in the Shire live on the stream and discovered why it was important to actually retrieve the spoiled pies instead of just telling the hobbits to destroy them. Throw it into the FIRE!
- Beta build 4: obtained the Banner of the King emote. Recognized by a player in-game on BR!
- Hunter achieved level 85.
- Burglar finally completed the 2nd of her books for class trait points.
- Gladden Beorning completed Book 14 and ran the intro area for Moria. Turned back on experience and reached level 51.
- My Nimrodel warden ran the Mirkwood epic up to the Dungeons. This was to get inside the tower at Thangulhad to help with the Minecraft series.
- Performed at a concert on Crickhollow. Next month will be Dwarrowdelf.
- Trying to break level 90
- Questing in Rohan
- Trying to wrestle with graphics settings to see if I can help Lag AT ALL!?
- Made a LOTRO machinima – “At The Tobacconist”
- 7th Anniversary LMB events
- Catching up with kin
- L.UN.C.H. run! Anduin 1:53:15 and Vilya 1:25:03
- Defiler got to r6 – new traits and skills and things
- Gettin’ my guardian ready for U16 – TC for the first time!
- Helped the Karvettians with the Rift
Skirmish of the Week
Topic: What are the pros and cons of Galadriel?
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This week we did not receive any reviews on iTunes.
Featured Comments
Timhedden left a comment on last week’s show:
“Wow, Arathaert. I’m in the Rangers of the West. Maybe , at some point Arathaert can make an appearance in The Family Line :p”
This week we did not receive any emails but Pineleaf really likes to read so please send those emails so Pineleaf is happy.
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Tolkien Conference
John speaking & performing LMB songs live:
Final Thoughts
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Thanks for listening!
One other character that is mentioned as being in Middle-earth from the First Age and possibly being older than Galadriel is Círdan the Shipwright
I knew it! The one show where the lure of sleep bested the call of LPN and you all whip out the Galadriel Skirmish! I am so miffed to miss out.
I had even researched! I know right – me spending any time away from Music and Creatures.
So here were my arguments which would have been slotted in the “Con” section of the books along with Maven.
1. My 1st Con is: Why is it that to be a powerful female figure one has to possess manly features? I know… The past is a different country! But, Her Father gave her a name – Artanis, “Nobel Woman” not too bad… Her Mother named her Nerwen, meaning “Man Maiden” – She is then given another name by her Husband… Can she not choose her own name? Can she not be powerful without being Manlike? We are told that she is super-duper Tall also.. Taller than some Man Elves too.. Height equals manly, equals power… But at least she has a ring of water.. She can brew the tea!
2. My other issue is, like others have stated. We don’t know enough about her. We know she wanted power, then when given the chance to possess the One Ring she decided against a power which was dark. But we don’t know why she was so eager to be powerful and rule over men in Middle Earth. Was it something to do with growing up with so many rebellious Brothers? I would have liked to know more about why she wanted Power and what was it that made her change her mind in that moment by the Mirror.
Lilikate , I think maven said we can’t include things we know from the silmarrilion etc. when comparing books vs film vs game, as they are totally gimped by licence issues.
Which is so unfortunate as we know Galadriel to be a noldor, likely to have been present/involved at the kin slaying etc. And have a really complex history, but shhh we can’t say.
I would say that males in the lotro cannon eg. Gondorian kings change their names after conquering somewhere quite often , and we don’t have enough info to know if she chose her new name or someone for her. What I want to point out is that she very much seems to hold her own with celeborn, she’s on the white council not him, people are terrified of the woods because of a white witch not him and she’s the one with the telepathy. I don’t think she had any patriarchy issues. In fact she seems quite the archetypal matriarch in an impressive way.
Back to the podcast, I wanted to add that 50 dollars for valarification is crazy expensive. I’d be much more tempted if it was account wide and every time I made a character if gave the option to use it or not. It would make the capping at 50, 60, 65 , 75 sort of nostalgia instance groups much easier to do and more viable. As now that means either gradually moving up and making the lower stuff irrelevant again or mass level grinding and virtues etc. (virtues should be account lvl purchases too IMO)
Anyway great podcast again.
1st, I never agreed to no rules and I signed nothing
Which is a good thing
If Maven made rules she can tell me off next time we meet. I will probably go on eating pie and saying what I think whether invited to do so or not. I am a bit of an opinionated Hobbit.
Still if I have to have my Con again then it still stands – Why is the only powerful Female elf all tall and manly? How come we know so little about her, her motives and so on…
Second, when I rummaged about for info I read that she was not present at the Elf on Elf murder party and that was one of the reasons she was let back into the West. I don’t know where I read this but I kinda liked that story.
Yeah fair enough, she is rather fascinating, it would have been great to know more. That’s really interesting about the kin slaying i’ll have to read more. Thanks.
At Minute 34, you reference the Veteran purchase to skip lvl 1 and get to lvl 5 outside the starter for 100 TP.
Just as an FYI, if you skip the tutorial for lvl 1, you cannot use this item. You can only use the item during the starter tutorial session play.
This is not true, as I skip the tutorial all the time and can still purchase veteran status.