Community Events: 13th April – 19th April.



Name: Michel Delving Market

Server: Laurelin

Time: 2.30pm to 3.30pm.

Location: Michel Delving.

Name: Nibble and Nobs / Ales and Tales.

Server: Landroval

Time: 8.30 Nibbles – 9.30 t0 11.30 A&T.

Location: Duillond.

Name: Elevenses

Server: Crickhollow

Time: 11.oopm to 12.30am

Location: The Bird and Baby Inn, Michel Delving.


Name: Michel Delving Market

Server: Laurelin

Time: 2.30pm to 3.30pm.

Location: Michel Delving.






Name: Eldar Music Night (Hosted by The Little Wanderers)

Server: Eldar

Time: 2.00pm to 4.00pm

Location: Bree Stage.

Name: Bright Star

Server: Landroval

Time: 9.30pm

Location: The Prancing Pony Rock.


Name: Die Mondbarden

Server: Belegaer

Time: 2.00pm to 4.00pm

Location: Bree Stage

Name: Bird and Baby Yard Party

Server: Laurelin

Time: 2.30 to 4.00pm

Location: The Bird and Baby Inn, Michel Delving.

Name: Frequency Modulators.

Server: Landroval

Time: 7.00pm to 8.30pm

Location: TBA

Name: Concerning Hobbits – Party Time

Server: Landroval

Time: 8.30 to 10.00pm

Location: Bird and Baby Inn, Michel Delving.

The parties feature games, music, pies, light RP, and prizes. Party games (which rotate out week-to-week) include the Bad Joke Contest, Hot Tater, Hide-a-Hobbit, Drunken Backwards Racing, and more.


Name: Die Meisterbarden Von Bree

Server: Vanyar

Time: 2.00pm to 4.oopm

Location: Auction House, Bree.

Name: Green Dragon Friday

Server: Laurelin

Time: 3.00pm to 5.00pm

Location: Green Dragon Drinking Establishment, Bywater, In The Shire.

Name: A Rock and a Hard Place

Server: Dwarrowdelf

Time: 4.00pm to 5.00pm

Location: West Gate Bree, Opposite the Stable Master.

Name: Bread and Jam

Server: Crickhollow

Time: 9.00pm

Location: Inside- The Prancing Pony Inn, Bree.


Name: The Breakfast Club

Server: Landroval.

Time: 1.00pm

Location: South Bree Stables, Bree Town.

Name: Bugginses Bands Present LOTRO on Tour

Server: Crickhollow

Time: 2.00pm to 3.00pm

Location: Bree Stage

Name: Under The Sunlit Sky

Server: Landroval

Time: 3.00pm to 4.00pm

Location: Outside- The Prancing Pony, Bree.

Name: Sons of Numenor- Market Day

Server: Landroval

Time: 3.30pm

Location: Staddle near/in the Staddle Square.

The April theme is April Showers.

April showers and bluebottle flowers; how does our market grow? With happy tales and many sales from vendors all in a row.


Server: Landroval

Time: 3.30pm

Location: Michel Delving.

Name: Animal House

Server: Landroval

Time: 9.00pm to Midnight.

Location: Prancing Pony Stable Courtyard.


Name: Bards, Beers and Long Beards

Server: Landroval

Time: 0.00am (Sat Midnight) to 1.00am.

Location: Outside – Prancing Pony. Bree.

Name: The Search for Singing Spring Badgers

Server: Laurelin

Time: 2.30pm

Location: Overhill, moving onto Bindbole Woods

In early spring, badgers can be heard singing in the Shire forests. Or so them stories say. Come find out if it is true!

Name: The Andune Ensemble

Server: Landroval

Time: 3.00pm to 4.00pm

Location: Bree Stage.

Name: Fashion IX – A Mounted Fashion Parade!

Server: Sirannon

Time: 3.30 pm

Location: 2 Frothing Road, Thurinsgraf. Thorins Halls, Ered Luin.

“One Outfit Per Person, Free Registration by Game Mail to Barbarela. Last Registrations in by 18.00hrs on the 19th April. Please register stating which category you would like to enter, Warhorse or Regular Mount”.

– Standard Mounts,
  participants will be noted on outfits and how it fits with their horses,,
– War Horse,
  participants will be noted on their horse ornaments and how they fit with their outfit.

To vote, use tab [vote] on the page! (without registration)

Pour la seconde fois sur LOTRO, un défilé avec pour thème “monture”

Mode IX

Une seule tenue à présenter à la taverne Lèvecoude, 2 route Mousseuse, Thùrinsgraf,
Résidences naines, dans une des deux catégories: Monture ou Cheval de Guerre
RDV à 21h30, dimanche 19 avril sur Sirannon.

Inscription gratuite dans le jeu,
Courrier adressé à: Barbarela
Objet du courrier: Mode
Derniers délais: 18h, le 19 avril!

Pour voter, utilisez la page , onglet [vote] !

– Montures standards,
les participants seront notés sur les tenues et l’accord qu’elles font avec leurs montures,
– Chevaux de Guerre,
les participants seront notés sur les ornements du cheval et comment ils s’accordent avec leur
s tenues.

Name: Les Beaux Chapeaux

Server: Landroval

Time: 10.00pm to 11.30pm

Location: 4 Myrtle Court, Treegarth, The Shire.





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