Compare and Contrast: FOTR Symphonies.

Hullo LOTRO Players,

I think I have drunk enough soothing tea and ate all the pie I could lay hands on since the last LPN podcast.

I would like to take this opportunity to say a little something on the matter.

LOTRO for me is a game of many different elements, the most important is the Epic Story, Landscape and Game progression. Instances and group play is a vital part of our gaming enjoyment.

The music system for me is an extra bonus, I have made many good friends in LOTRO using this system. It has created for me another outlet for my creativity.

I do not believe that the music system is more important than other aspects of LOTRO. Nor do I feel that Turbine should be using a greater percentage of it’s resources on developing the music at the expense of instances/raiding content.

What I do believe that if it is possible to create an out of tune lute range of notes then it must be feasible to create a lute range of in tune and consistent sounding notes. I have no idea of how to make this happen so I won’t critique those that are responsible for our music system. I shall just ask for improvements and try to do so in a polite and reasoned manner.

Last Saturday I gathered 23 other characters into TSO. We played three of my most prized, well crafted files. I was a little saddened at the fact that this:

Now sounds like:

So no, I shan’t shhh

I am hopeful for some fixes soon. In the mean time I shall keep plodding on using what wit and skill I have arranging music for those that like this aspect of LOTRO.


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