Update 16 is finally bringing changes to the legendary item system. The changes will allow players to imbue items which should limit the number of times players need to deconstruct and rebuild their items.
Update 16 is finally bringing changes to the legendary item system. The changes will allow players to imbue items which should limit the number of times players need to deconstruct and rebuild their items.
Boo on the mithril coins. I haven’t had one for a year and a half.
I see three major issues with the change as things stand now:
1. For the cost it will take to fully upgrade one imbued item, one could have recreated their legendary items through 5-6 level cap increases, thus actually being detrimental regarding the primary reason most wanted to see imbuing (reducing the grind)
2. Due to that cost, very few will be willing to do this, especially for more than one character. With fewer and fewer players, it is already difficult to find enough for group content, especially considering the need for tanks and healers. How many will be willing to go through this process to equip alts? How many will be willing to switch to a substandard character, knowing all the effort they put into another character’s items is not be used while they do?
3. The trait/class revamp created enormous imbalances between the classes. Increasing the potency of certain legacies will make things that much worse (particularly with AoE classes relative to single-target classes, like Champions compared to Burglars)
I know it is beta, but if these things stand as is, Lotro will be fundamentally changed, and not for the better, in my opinion.
Agree with the others. Altough the imbue system looks great and a fine upgrade, WHY the mithril. I know why…. money….
And again Turbine did it… Great idea changed into nonsense. Bravo… Who the hell works there? They make nice landscapes and outfits (for me best I have seen), good stories in most cases, but systems (like LI, crafiting, essences) are so badly designed so spoiled with idiotic grind and with monetization introduced with subtlety of trolls, that I would fire at once those who are inventing them and forbid those people to work in any company making games.
Dear Turbine, do not add any new money grabs and grinds, the more you try to get money, the less eager I am to pay. Last time I gave you money was in late 2013. And you would not see them this year. You do not deserve with your recent works. More grind, more stupid systems and more copy pasted content. Not going to pay for that.
I’m so looking forward to this change. I’ve never bothered upgrading my LIs before – there never really seemed to be much point. Just going to have to destroy them when the level cap raises anyway.
For the first time ever it’s going to be worthwhile putting nice relics into my LIs, and maybe even upgrading some of the legacies!
If you haven’t ever properly maxed out an LI before, you have no idea of the pain that is coming your way with the new system… the costs, to make it as good as the current LIs, are rather high…
Oh I will never max out an item in either system, and I’m completely comfortable with that. I just like that it’s actually worth doing some work on it now, whereas I was pretty unmotivated before since I’d just have to decon any work I did.
I’ve looked at the Bullroarer stuff, and it won’t be bad at all to improve on my current stuff. It’ll take a bit of levelling, but hey – it’s an MMO, that’s what I signed up for. Of course that’s also a comment on my quality of my old LIs, but hey
MMO doesn’t mean that it have to be so grindish. Game should be funny and interesting. Alas, it is easier and cheaper for developers to make it grindish. And Lotro more and more goes that way which is very sad.
Imbuing was reaction for players wish to make LI grind lesser, to end situation in which we had to change our LI with every lvl cap change… (you grind it once and it stays forever with you collecting experience and leveling with you as Legendary Weapon should). As usually Turbine did not understand that and added grind and money grab ruining the idea…
I don’t really get why the idea is “ruined” as it is Goblinbane. Just don’t bother maxing it. Easy!
If I convert my existing item and just use it as I quest, it’ll end up more powerful than it was. And if I do put some effort into it, it’ll get even better and I don’t lose my work. What’s not to like?
If you really, really have to max it out, the devs could get rid of a lot of the perceived grind by just lowering the max level. As it stands on Bullroarer, if you did manage to max those, they are waaaay more powerful than on live. Or if the devs don’t do that, just pretend the 40s are 30s or something, and you’ll still have significantly better kit than on live.
IMO it is ruined by increasing pay 2 win factor (you can make your weapon more powerful using mithrils). Also again we got more grind. You not only have to collect XP, but also some scrolls and other things to be strong enough for PvP for example…And they will be needed in greater amount then now and their usage will make bigger inequalities between players. Already there can be really big differences between lvl 100 toons. In next few months they will become even bigger. Soon player who just reached lvl 100 will be still much too weak to take part in PvP and there can be situations that people will not take him for BB’s or raids cause he is too weak.
RE: mithril… does it still drop from silver hobbit presents? I cannot remember the last time I won any in that way, although it made my lowly one legged RP hobbit on Laurelin my wealthiest char by far
I never ever in all these years got any. Except when they introduced it. I think everybody got 5 pcs then.
Yes, my the 1st hobbit present my dwarf got was 100 mithril coins. That was a couple months ago.
I really like this system. I know all the mithril costs look horrific, but I think we have to keep in mind, this is designed to be done to an LI that is already maxed, with all the legacies you want already on it. You shouldn’t, therefore have to spend mithril at all if you’re imbuing say your current, “perfect” FA weapon.
Also, increasing the max of a legacy shouldn’t be an issue UNTIL YOU REACH THAT MAX. I’m not sure, but a legacy thats 2/16 is at the same strength as the same legacy at 2/20 or 2/100 for that matter.
Plus, unlike currently, whats the rush to level them anyway?! From what I’ve seen, the mobs in E. Gondor still appear to be the same level 100 mobs we’ve already faced; I can usually 2-3 shot the ordinary blue landscape mobs most of the time. I SHOULD still be able to do that after imbuing.
I think this system of leveling your imbued LI’s is a long term project, rather than the current, I-need-to-get-this-thing maxed-ASAP system we have now. I know Turbine has said you can imbue a freshly identified TA LI but WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO?!?!
From what Ive seen so far, and if I’m understanding it correctly, I like this imbue system.
turbine is an entity from a commercial perspective that has to find revenue as consumer interest declines to compensate for the staff and shareholder interest . we are after all subject to the greed of money also the lore is but an means to an end,.