Lilikate Arranges with Maestro.

Hello Everyone,

This is a video showing how to use Maestro to convert a midi file into an abc text file for play in LOTRO.

I have avoided using the Lute, because of the twangy note in it’s range.

Lilikate's Music FI





I spent some time with the Lyrics, Applying LOTROfication as my skill saw fit.

You can see and hear the results at the end of the video.

Enjoy πŸ™‚



  1. Great πŸ™‚ I use Maestro often, love it! But…. the lyrics on screen… how is that done??

    • Lilikate Buggins /

      I use another plugin. “Lyrical” is a good one to use but I have just begun to put “Poetical” through it’s paces.

      • Tnx Lilikate πŸ™‚ I tried Lyrical, but that only shows in the chatwindow (or I do something wrong).. Poetical I don’t know, gonna try it! Tnx again!!

  2. Holly /

    You have to turn on chat bubbles in the system options/User Interface to see them display, Raebidus.

    Lilikate, wonderful demonstration, and the song and lyrics at the end are priceless,

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