LOTRO Players Screen Shot Competition – April 2015: Flowers

Dear LOTRO Players,

It has been months since the last winning entry was announced for LOTRO’s Screen shot competition on Facebook.

I have been organizing a Kinship monthly screen shot competition, where members can post an entry to a thread, on our server Landroval.

This month’s theme is Flowers.

If you would like to send in an entry to Lilikatebuggins@gmail.com with “LP-ScreenShotFlowers” as the title, I would be happy to organize a similar competition for LOTRO Players.

There is no prize offered, other than having your shot posted at the start of the next month’s competition, that and a pat on the back (self delivered).

The General rules are:

The Competition will begin on the 1st of the month and end on the last day of the month midnight EST time.
One Entry per player please.
Submit your character’s name, server and a title for your shot.
The screenshots must be original and taken by you.
The screenshots must adhere to the monthly theme.
You can crop, edit the screenshot (brightness, shadows, colours) and re-size the screenshots, but do not “Photoshop” the images.
Entries can be posted in response to this announcement message.
Entries must be received by midnight EST on the last day of the month.
Winners will be announced within one week of the contest closing date.

I will post as many shots as I am able underneath my shot below.

The Winning Shot will be selected by Lilikate Buggins. I may select another contributing member of LOTRO Players to help me select a winning shot.

Here is a shot I took on the banks of The Great River, to inspire you 🙂

Lilikate Buggins, Landroval. “Petals in the Wind”.

Published by

Lilikate Buggins

Lilikate Buggins from Willowbottom in the Marish loves simple pleasures, food, music, good friends, creatures and a bit of part-time Orc slaying.

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