Where’s Tinki – Mirrormere.

Hey Everyone!

I thought it high time I posted another Where’s Tinki. We are upon the banks of Lake Mirrormere, Mekhem-bizru to be more precise.

So without further ado lets continue on to reveal the hiding places of Tinki as she was passing through Dolven View, Moria.

So here are the answers to the Dolven View episode from last December.

Easy – Bottom Middle of Shot Dancing between the Dwarves.

Medium – Mid, slightly left of center, Tinki chats to the patrolling Dwarf Guard.

Challenge – Slightly lower than middle of the shot, all the way on the right side of the frame. Tinki is again chatting to Dwarves and no doubt handing them an Ale or Pint of something.

Pineleaf Ultimate Challenge – To promote my own website I posted the Pineleaf Challenge on “http://lilikatebuggins.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Tinki-Dol-View-Pine.jpg” You can find Tinki’s Mitten and Part of her sleeve if you look to the Pillar just right of the obelisk on the right hand side of the screen shot.



Can you find Tinki in Mirrormere?







Pineleaf Ultimate Challenge


Answers on the next Where’s Tinki…

Published by

Lilikate Buggins

Lilikate Buggins from Willowbottom in the Marish loves simple pleasures, food, music, good friends, creatures and a bit of part-time Orc slaying.

6 thoughts on “Where’s Tinki – Mirrormere.”

  1. I miss this so much. Thanks for giving me my Tinki fix. Just for a gag, you should have had one on April 1st and not included Tinki in any of the pictures 🙂

    1. Sadly my holiday last month made planning a good April Fool difficult. I promise some tom-foolery next year 🙂

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