Poll: What Level Is Your Highest Level Character? What level is your highest level character? What level is your highest level character? 1-25 26-50 51-75 76-99 100 View Results Loading ...
Is this a very old pool? Because it is counting as if I had already voted and I don’t remember voting on it and it says my highest lvl toon is 26-50. That would only be true if the pool was from 2012. Reply
I’ve got 9, soon 10 when I finish my bear
Is this a very old pool? Because it is counting as if I had already voted and I don’t remember voting on it and it says my highest lvl toon is 26-50. That would only be true if the pool was from 2012.
Well, anyway now it seems fixed. lol
I stopped playing 2 years ago so 85 on the ones I used to raid with.
i’m in looooooove with the loooooootro