12 thoughts on “Poll: Do You Craft In LOTRO?”

  1. I do craft in LOTRO, mostly for other people. While generally I like crafting system in games, LOTRO’s crafting system is a borefest at best that causes my precious vault space to weep (especially farming/cooking)

  2. Yes, but I consider it one of the worst things in the game. They made it much too complex, grindish, time consuming and annoying. I have vaults spammed with craft mats and still quite often I find out that I still lack some material to craft something. And last levels are most annoying cause you have to search for recipes to be able to craft anything. It is similar case as with Legendary Items. Nice thing made in horrible way so it became an annoyance.

    And funniest thing is that I rarely craft for my toons because game became so easy, that weapons and armors you get from quests are good enough to pwn mobs and solo most small fs quests. And at lvl 100 crafting is useless apart from making LI, cause,… there is no recipes! Well done Turbine. Months of grind and cursing to get something which is useless. Yeah!

  3. I have top level crafters in all professions, but sadly they are rarely used at this point based on some of the points made by Goblinbane. Can’t remember the last time I had to cook food for my chars thanks to ubiquity of Hobbit presents and de-emphasis of instances at end game. It’s not too late for them to fix that though IMO! It can still be fun/rewarding.

  4. I said yes but it’s complicated. For the longest time I didn’t craft because I felt it was a massive waste of time and there are so many other more wonderful things in game. When I finally had some time on my hands I decided to try crafting. I’m all the way to west emnet (I think it is). I’m just 🙂 not advanced in a lot of professions.

  5. in RL, most jobs are much more complicated! what’s so complicated and complex in lotro crafting? if it would get more ordinary and simpler, THEN it would become boring and profane! crafting good things is an art, and that’s what it should be. it’s a bit hard to learn at the beginning, but after some experience it’s getting better and better…

    1. 1. Game is not real life or job.
      2. In Lotro the further you go, the worse and more annoying crafting becomes and in the end it becomes useless cause you have level 100 toons and level 90-95 recipes… I see there no art, I maxed all professions and all those crafters are almost useless, while my vaults and chests are full of materials. And my crafters are such “experienced masters” that they all the time have to buy the same recipes… Thats one of the most stupid ideas in the game. My experienced crafter destroyes recipe and forgets how he made a crossbow which he made a few times already. Well done Turbine 🙂

      And I have to remember in which faction was that recipe sold and grind those faction currency, when my crafter runs out of it.

      IMO crafting should be made simpler, while fighting harder, Cause we play to fight with mobs and bosses, not with recipes and materials.

  6. I craft, but have never made it to guild status. I dislike the grind and timeouts on the guild items.

  7. I do craft because i felt there was a necessary need for it in my early months of lotro. Now i have max guild with a woodworker and i find that i only craft LIs from it. I dont plan to take any other professions to max guild or even buy guild access because we rarely use it!. I would love to be able to use my crafting more often but sadly this is not the case. Now i pretty much ignore crafting until my toons are much higher levels because i feel there is no need to bring it up to westermet ability.

  8. Crafting I have found was useful in early game but getting less and less so as I near end game, I still chip away at leveling my alts every so often but I admit its more a distraction and time sink than rewarding game activity.

  9. I find crafting to be a good relief from the questing grind. It helps that crafting actually grants XP, I think that was a smart incentive to add. You can craft things for yourself that are actually really useful and help you level faster or survive a tough quest/NPC. For instance I made a very effective 1h sword (with an awesome, red-glowing skin btw) for my guardian that I used from levels 49-51 and it didn’t even cost an arm and a leg.

  10. I agree for the high level part… But I love crafting armour and weapons for my low- and mid-level friends. No difficult recipes, rather easy to get mats, and a great pleasure for the ones I made it for.

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