iBeth#InFocus: exclusive Interview with the band “A Rock And A Hard Place”

Relayed to Lotro Players by Lilikate Buggins.

The Original post in full colour glory can be found here:



foreign correspondent Priemchen Honigsuess, for the iBeth Presseverlag…

(English translation; Mr. Bruzo / Layout, image editing; iBeth publisher Githjan)

Dear musical friends,

it is time again for a continuation of the iBeth interview series. The focus of the third interview is this time on »A Rock And A Hard Place« – the winners of the free peoples choice award of the biggest music festival 2014 »weatherstock« which took place on landroval. As representatives of

the band Master Bruzo, Master Lanvoc, Miss Friewin and Miss Nelphindal. Surprise guests this time: Tunvil and Torwien Wintermond as well as Master Kirgoin of the band » Die Mondbarden« Miss Ranidia, Miss Palwyn from the band »Notenzauber« and last but not least with a little bit of delay, the well known caricaturist and writer of the »Auenländer Wochenblatt« Master Beuno Willowtree.

In case other bands are interested to be interviewed, we’d be gratefull for requests. There is no distance too far for me to visit you. You can use the contact formular of the iBeth, the redaction will keep me informed. In 14 days the fourth exclusive interview will be with the band -Notenzauber- who has a surprise about a new band member for you.

If you want to write to “a rock and a hard place” I got the permission to publish their postal address here. They will be happy about requests and invitations for concerts in middle earth and also about collaborations with other bands. Also they would appreciate fan letters. You can write to them under the address : glorgnorbormomsen.abcfiles@gmail.com or you can visit their homepage at rockandahardplace.weebly.com.

I would like to express special thanks to Master Bruzo for his kind help on the translation so that a bigger audience can read this interview – thank you!

When I reached the shire settlement Brockdown, Chalkstreet 2 on landroval, the friendly hobbit Master Lanvoc was waiting for me and guided me into the big house. The interior was fairly basic and Master Lanvoc kindly showed me around. There was some rohan furniture, a big bear trophy and a strange keg with a skull painted on it. Master Lanvoc told me that drinking of this keg should be handled with great care. It would be possible to wake up naked on an ice floe in Forochel! I quickly decided to rather not drink of this beer.

Back in the big hall where the other members of the band and the suprise guests were waiting I was greeted kindly. I was suprised that so many visitors had interest in participating in the interview, but today was about “a rock and a hard place” the winners of the free peoples choice award of weatherstock 2014. After the greetings and a little chit chat we sat at the fireplace on the tiled floor – all but the dwarf Master Kirgoin – who sat down on a big chair.

The caricaturist and writer of the Auenländer Wochenblatt – Master Beuno Willowtree arrived with a little bit of delay and then we started our third exclusive interview. I hope you’ll enjoy it and i’m happy to announce the fourth interview for the iBeth in 14 days

Yours Priemchen Honigsuess, Familie Beutlin





Priemchen [iBeth]: »Thanks for the kind invitation.«


Kirgoin grins »Hehe…. fine…. the chair is mine.«

Bruzo: »You’re welcome.«

Lanvoc: »We’re glad you could join us!«

Kirgoin: »And we are honoured to be here as guests to listen in«

Tunvil nods.


Priemchen [iBeth] smiles: »Please tell us who you are and whats your name.«


Lanvoc: »I’m Lanvoc, better known as Glorgnorbor in the depths of Dwarrowdelf.«

Bruzo: »Guess I should start. We’re “a rock and a hard place”, a band from Dwarrowdelf.«

Kirgoin murmurs: »A real dwarven name… hehe.«

Bruzo: »I’m Bruzo and some sort of band leader, but usually we try to be democratic.«

Nelphindal: »which can lead sometimes into a chaotic way.«

Bruzo: »sometimes I guess I’m a little bit of a dictator, but I try to restrain myself.«

Friewin: »Hardly!«

Tunvil grins.

Friewin smacks fist in palm and smile: »Now if I were leader.«

Kirgoin laughs.

Bruzo: »We’d play music from the beatles only.«

Friewin lets out a mighty ROAR!!


Priemchen [iBeth]: »So you are originally from a different area and you’re here on Landroval for special events?«


Tunvil laugh.

Bruzo: »Yes that is actually a little story.«

Beuno whispers: »Huhu, I’ma little late.«

Bruzo: »we have been playing on Dwarrowdelf for quite a while.«

Kirgoin: »A grand legend…. not a little story… hehe.«

Bruzo: »And one evening Miss Fincin visited Bree there.She told us about all the music that is happening here and invited us to come here and actually in the same year we went the first time to weatherstock.«

Lanvoc: »Which was a fun event!«

Nelphindal: »And almost first time I played with the band. Oh I’m sorry I forget to tell my name. I’m Nelphindal. I joined the band quite on last day before weatherstock and had much fun since them.«

Lanvoc: »Aye. After that, we got stuck with Nelphindal here. Hehe. I’m joking of course, it’s been an honour to have her!«

Friewin: »And I’m known as Frie on Dwarrowdelf. One day I discovered music and then Bruzo showed up and started dancing.«

Kirgoin: »Yes… every band should have an elven player…. They are so “wistful”… hehe.«

Friewin: »And told me about his little band in red and that was all it took.«

Lanvoc: »Heh… I’d tell you how I ended up here, but Bruzo has a special song for that.«

Lanvoc hails Beuno.

Nelphindal: »Master Kirgoin you forgot to mention that every band shall have a dwarf as well.«

Beuno waves to Lanvoc zu.

Palwyn waves to Beuno zu.

Bruzo: »Yes actually we usually open our shows with a song how we came to be a band.«

Nelphindal bows towards Beuno: »and hello Beuno«

Friewin: »Welcome, Beuno!«

Kirgoin: »Right you are.«

Bruzo: »A very short version of our history.«

Tunvil wave: »Hallo Beuno.«

Beuno: »Good evening everybody.«

Kirgoin, Randia, Bruzo and Priemchen [iBeth] Beuno greet..

Beuno waves to everyone.

Kirgoin: »Ah…. greetings Beuno, very fine.«

Beuno makes a deep bow: »please proceed«

Thorwinn: »hallo Beuno«

Beuno: »Hello,Thor and Tun«


Interview 1

Priemchen [iBeth]: »Master Beuno is here as a guest reporter from the “Auenländer Wochenblatt”, he paints the caricatures there.«


Tunvil smiles: »Nice to see you here, Beuno.«

Kirgoin: »Ah… another journalist… hehe.«

Beuno laughs: »I’m just here to listen and learn.«

Nelphindal: »Feel free to sit down.«

Beuno sits down: »thanks«

Bruzo: »Yes, sit, have a beer and a cookie.«

Lanvoc: »Aye, warm up a bit! You msut be tired and cold!«

Beuno: »Just a bit cold«

Nelphindal: »So we were at the short version of our history«

Lanvoc: »Ah yes. Always a good laugh about our history… At least from my point of view.«

Nelphindal: »Do you mind to tell them?«

Bruzo: »Oh the event how all of us started. Well, I need to tell it without humiliating anyone.«

Kirgoin: »Music without humor cannot be good«

Bruzo: »So I was standing in front of the pony playing music, when …«

Lanvoc has put on a mask and bursts in between: »… A wild Glorgnorbor appears!«

Kirgoin: »I would like to hear this story of the founding. We dwarves love such stories… hehe.«

Bruzo: »Well wild is putting it mildly.«

Friewin: »Trollish perhaps?«

Lanvoc: »I was… Passing through Bree and saw him playing with a friend. I didn’t really act… Ehm… Proper.«

Bruzo: »he was mocking me a little.«

Lanvoc: »I was interested though! So the next day, since I felt bad, I caught Master Bruzo running through Bree, and apologized.«

Friewin: »Which makes him a good troll.«

Lanvoc: »Then we began talking, and I started to ask questions about music.«

Bruzo: »Yes and I got him to play some tunes with me.«

Lanvoc: »And now, I think three years later, here we are.«


Priemchen [iBeth]: »How many active members do you have?«


Bruzo: »yes, but we’re still fighting our little battles.«

Friewin: »Nine?«

Lanvoc: »Putting it little is quite mild …«

Bruzo: »roughly eight … About weatherstock.«

Nelphindal: »You should ask our manager regarding our plans«

Kirgoin: »You will win again there… hehe.«

Lanvoc: »Unfortunately, our manager couldn’t join us, as we fried him for dinner last night.«


Priemchen [iBeth]: »You won at the Weatherstock-Festival last year, how are your plans for the next year? Did you register already for this years weatherstock?«


Bruzo: »We will of course apply, so we’ll definitly play one of those pre-weatherstock concerts, but if we’ll be allowed on the top again, we can’t know. It’s some kind of lottery.«

Kirgoin: »Yes…. there rule the god of chance…. a pity sometimes.«

Lanvoc: »Who knows. Maybe we can work up something special.«

Nelphindal: »It is very unpredictive.«

Bruzo: »last year very good bands didn’t have the chance to play there, like the chosen few or les chantefables.«


Priemchen [iBeth]: »Are the winners of the last year not automatically allowed to defend their title?«


Bruzo: »I don’t know«

Lanvoc: »It’s possible that they are automatically thrown in«

Kirgoin: »As far as I know not here«

Lanvoc: »But. then again, it’s possible that the winner goes through the same process.«

Nelphindal: »It is new chance for all every year no bonus for last year success«

Bruzo: »Yes, there is so many good bands nowadays and the show on the top needs to fit in a couple of hours … so there is no way to have all of them up there.«

Kirgoin: »That’s right«

Nelphindal: »If all good plays were allowed to play we would need days«

Lanvoc: »Or weeks«

Friewin: »Like Winterstock«

Kirgoin: »Hehe…. yes, Three days of music«

Nelphindal: »Well you have a week of music witht he pre-concert«

Bruzo: »Yes and that’s a very good chance to get to know all the bands«


Priemchen [iBeth]: ‘I like the pre-concerts too … so many wonderfull bands there in the week«


Kirgoin: »Oh yes….. I began to play with our band at these pre-concerts«

Nelphindal: »It is one of best time of the year«

Beuno: »I didn’t get it earlier…you are only four in the band?«

Kirgoin: »Every music-lover has to look at the program. A must to publish in every journal«

Bruzo: »We’re actually eight, but the others are busy at the moment«

Beuno: »ah,alright … thanks«

Lanvoc starts to smoke.

Friewin: »We’re from all over the world«

Bruzo: »If you want to see more of us, come to our friday shows on Dwarrowdelf«

Friewin: »So time-zones, etc«

Beuno shrugs: »Oh, the ‘real’ world you mean? «

Bruzo: »(every week, 4pm servertime, bree west-stables)«

Friewin smile: »Yes, that world «

Nelphindal: »Well you will need more than one friday to meet us all i guess«

Beuno smiles.

Lanvoc: »Besides Weatherstock, however, we do have a lot planned for this year! ‘I believe Bruzo wanted to touch on that subject.«

Bruzo: »( yes we’re from 3 different continents )«

Beuno: »Blimey! With different languages?«


Priemchen [iBeth]: »Oh I will isit you there some time. I’ll bring Miss Ranidia along.«


Lanvoc: »Fortunately we’re all good at English!«

Ranidia: »hehe«

Lanvoc: »Or we’d all be lost!«

Beuno: »hehe … or: haha?«

Lanvoc: »We’re planning a tour sometime this year!«

Beuno: »please go on,I didn’t want to disturb the interview«

Lanvoc: »That’s probably our biggest plan for the year.«

Bruzo: »Yes we have to visit a lot of bands on other servers … Like the Mondbarden«

Kirgoin: »Hurray!«

Beuno: »oh,nice plan«

Tunvil smiles.

Bruzo: »Yes, but it’s a lot of preparation«

Beuno: »don’t forget belegaer!«

Nelphindal: »Alone the instruments to carry with you …«

Bruzo: »no worry, it’s one of the first on our list«

Beuno: »hooray«

Kirgoin: »Beuno, we are from Belegaer«

Beuno: »I am from there«


Priemchen [iBeth]: »After winning at the weatherstock festival, did a lot of things change for you or did you stay “normal”«


Nelphindal: »Maybe more visitors from other servers«

Kirgoin: »No groupies?«

Beuno: »hihi«

Kirgoin: »No bids for marriages?«

Beuno: »Kirgoin,please!«

Friewin grins: »We have our “groupies” on Dwarrowdelf «

Kirgoin grins.

Nelphindal: »We had some kind of before already«

Bruzo: »I was hoping for something like that …«

Kirgoin: »Then grow some hair, Bruzo«

Friewin: »”Marriages” = horrors!«

Kirgoin laughs.

Beuno: »Dwarven maiden groupies«

Nelphindal: »Normally Bruzo wears an egg shell – no place for hair left«

Beuno: »hihi«

Nelphindal: »Kind of safety helmet – I never got the idea«

Bruzo: »I like the idea of being protected like a baby chicken«

Beuno: »no chance for lice … hihi«

Kirgoin: »Aha… a defence against rotten fruit… hehe«

Bruzo: »Only if you are in the audience«

Friewin: »true, that, Kirgoin«

Kirgoin: »Hehe… no I would never throw such fruit on you, Bruzo«

Bruzo: »Actually after weatherstock we went to a lot of events … more than before«

Nelphindal: »(We had finally gold to travel)«

Beuno: »you are famous now!«

Bruzo: »Ah yes the 1000 gold of price money«


Priemchen [iBeth]: »You sure must have groupies after that success«


Lanvoc: »It quite funny though.«

Nelphindal: »We had some kind of groupies before already«

Lanvoc: »We never thought we’d ever get onto Weatherstock, none the less win it«

Nelphindal: »… but they changed into more enthuastic ones«

Lanvoc: »The whole time, we were watching the polls! We really though Die Meisterbarden was going to take the trophy home! … (thought, even) … But hey, Bruzo’s song about beer really helped a lot!«

Bruzo drinks: »Ah yes«

Kirgoin: »Hehe… but your bawdy song was so rosing«

Lanvoc: »Who doesn’t want to listen to a bald, fat, hobbit sing about alcohol.«

Tunvil laugh.

Bruzo: »and now I always have to play it. it’s really tough to drink that much Youring a concert’

Friewin: »Bald, fat, drunken hobbit that is«

Bruzo: »not so much about the alcohol, but because I can’t quickly go to the toilet in the middle of the show.«

Friewin: »That reminds me of that other song you did about the fire?«

Beuno: »hihi«

Bruzo: »lol frie, we don’t go there!«

Lanvoc: »Haha! Frie! … Maybe you don’t …  He started a fire in the middle of the night, and since he was drunk, decided to be a hero and… Relieve himself… on the fire…«

Beuno: »oooh«

Lanvoc: »Must’ve been all that alcohol.«

Kirgoin laughs.

Beuno laughs.

Lanvoc: »The best part is that his mum walked in on him!«

Friewin: »But his mother came in at just the wrong moment«

Nelphindal: »Mothers come always at the just moment, there is no right moment for them.«

Beuno smiles: »I hope, he didn’t had too much inflamable alkohol«

Bruzo: »Now what the others here don’t know. I wanted to play that song on weatherstock with those lyrics and you lot stopped me from doing it«

Friewin: »Who wants to hear it next Weatherstock?«

Beuno: »that would have caused a scandal!«

Friewin: »Maybe we’ll let you do it next time«

Kirgoin: »With such lyrics you will never catch a hobbit-lass… hehe«

Lanvoc: »Kirgoin! … That’s a WHOLE other story!«

Beuno: »hihi«

Lanvoc: »Who wants to talk about Bruzo and his sunflower seeds?«

Friewin: »That one is almost as ribald«

Kirgoin: »Lets hear it«

Beuno: »yea«


Priemchen [iBeth]: »How does your band think about the musical instrument of horror, do you use the pibgorn often in your tunes?«


Lanvoc: »He liked this hobbit lass and approached her, asking her about her faovirte flower.«

Beuno chuckles at Priemchen.

Lanvoc: »The pibgorn is awesome«

Friewin rolls eyes.

Nelphindal: »Well guess why Bruzo wears the egg shell«

Lanvoc: »I can give you a quick demo about how awesome, if you’d like?«

Friewin: »Yes, to protect his hearing«

Priemchen [iBeth] chukels: »surely«

Beuno cheers at Lanvoc.

Bruzo: »We know the pibgorn has a bad reputation, but it’s underestimated … underrated rather«

Kirgoin shudders in anticipation

Friewin: »It can be used well if done with great care«

Lanvoc: »Unfortunately«

Friewin: »Ahem«

Lanvoc: »I don’t use it with great care.«

Beuno starts to dance!

Friewin: »Yes, we know«

Bruzo: »and sometimes it’s absolutely necessary like in our haradrim marching song«

Kirgoin: »I hear it«

Beuno: »hooray«

Nelphindal: »Bruzo converted our entire band to love it – if handled with necessary care<

Friewin: »Can I borrow your egg hat, Bruzo?«

Thorwinn: »i love this«

Beuno: «I like it«

Tunvil laughs: »my poor ears«


Priemchen [iBeth]: »hihi«


Beuno claps for Lanvoc.

Lanvoc: »See! … The pibgorn is a beautiful instrument!’

Bruzo: »I think musical instruments should not be discriminated .. equal rights for all of them!«

Kirgoin: »You could always chase orcs away with it… hehe«

Nelphindal cheers.

Friewin: »This is true, Kirgoin … And audiences, too«

Lanvoc: »Bruzo is quite fond of using the pibgorn to chase orcs away… And hobbit lasses …«

Nelphindal: »Orcs cnat hear the high frequencies«

Lanvoc: »… And me … .And his mother …«

Nelphindal: »I made bad experiences with them«

Beuno: »I thought, orcs would like it … hihi«

Friewin: »No, he doesn’t chase you with a pibgorn – it summons you«

Lanvoc: »I’d much rather beat the orc with a pibgorn … Much more fun.«

Friewin: »Like a dog whistle. But seriously, it can add a certain something in some tunes«

Kirgoin nods.


Priemchen [iBeth]: »I heard there will be a new instrument in the shops soon, did you hear anything about it?«


Lanvoc: »Or remove a certain something in the audience«

Beuno: »Oh, an new instrument? really?«

Lanvoc: »I yes, I remember«

Bruzo: »The promised instruments .. aye«

Lanvoc: »I don’ think that is going to happen, to be honest.«

Friewin: »Serpentine was one«

Bruzo: »well.«

Beuno thinks about what’s next.

Bruzo: »I have a quite negative impression so far, so I should probably not say anything«

Beuno: »what could that be?«

Kirgoin smiles: »Yes, with the pibgorn you will always chase away Master Orladan …«

Lanvoc: »With as many problems changing the system as they are having now, I don’t think they’ll release anything new«

Friewin: »It was similar to a tuba I believe«

Beuno: »Wow!!«

Friewin: »An ancient instrument«

Lanvoc: »I have a strong bias towards them leaving the system as is. It doesn’t really need updating.«

Beuno: »alpine horn?«

Friewin: »I don’t recall what the other was«

Bruzo: »Actually I shiver in fear everytime I hear news about those new instruments, because they might take away the instruments we learned to like so much over the years«

Nelphindal: »And all existing songs have to be adepted to build it in. Thats kind of an effort«

Friewin: »I personally have a problem with some of the off key notes with the horn and flute. But I can live with them compared to the changes they made that were recalled«

Kirgoin: »Not another bad spell with our music…«

Nelphindal: »It is worth to rebel for it«

Beuno: »that would be a pity«


Priemchen [iBeth]: »We have to wait and hope that there is not another plague of woodworms«


Kirgoin: »Right you are«

Friewin: »Yes, we pray to the gods«

Beuno: »that were bad times …. silence everywhere…no music..«

Beuno cheers at Lanvoc.

Kirgoin: »Yes, I journeyed to Rohan in this bad times…«

Beuno starts to dance with Lanvoc.

Nelphindal: »A good area to test stuff you dont want to hear anyone else«


Priemchen [iBeth]: »When do you plan to go to the next bigger festival, will it be weatherstock or will there be something before that?«


Bruzo: »We’re hoping for Archet Aid, Master Grymrock had to postpone it because of the music bug … of course if there is a rockfest again we’d be happy to go there«

Nelphindal: »And there is the risc of a new update messing up the system«

Bruzo: »Yes it’s like a dark cloud at the horizon«

Lanvoc: »Who knows… Maybe we’ll host an event of our own some day«

Palwyn: »Weatherstock is planned for end of july.. so i think there will be some interesting festivals in the meantime..«


Priemchen [iBeth]: »I’ve been on the midsummer rock fest last year, it was pretty nice.«


Bruzo: »But this is a question we should ask our manager«

Kirgoin: »Anorhter Greenfield-Festival, I presume?«

Nelphindal: »First we need a new one, since Lanvoc at the last one – alone!«

Friewin: »I thought I would mention that we describe our style as “eclectic”. Meaning that we transcribe and play whatever appeals to us.«

Bruzo: »we’re currently around 8«

Friewin: »Some transcode and some don’t«

Bruzo: »some don’t join on every friday«

Kirgoin: »Ah, thanks for the translation… “ecletic”…. a word to remember«

Friewin smile: »Bruzo is the Sabaton transcoding maestro and I am the Beatles«

Nelphindal: »Both worth to invest to effort into«

Bruzo: »Yes we kind of divide the styles among us«

Friewin: »Eclectic actually means “drawn from a variety of sources”«

Lanvoc: »Bruzo and I are the voalists.«


Priemchen [iBeth] agree.


Friewin: »Yes, they are«

Lanvoc: »vocalists, even«

Friewin: »And the lyric composers«


Priemchen [iBeth]: »I can see that you got hobbits and elves in your band, do you also have humans and a dwarf«


Nelphindal: »- And the posers … sure we do.«

Lanvoc: »Aye! … We’re not only Eclectic in our style!«

Bruzo: »we actually have a very euphoric dwarf«

Kirgoin: »Hehe«

Nelphindal: »Ah dont mention euphoria in his presence«

Friewin: »Frie and Glorgnorbo are humans on Dwarrowdelf«

Bruzo: »and we even have a captain in our band«


Priemchen [iBeth] grins: »For the Mondbarden it’s the dwarfs who have to carry the equipent, very convinient to have a dwarf.«


Bruzo: »we had to teach him all the instruments though«

Lanvoc: »And now I’m a minstrel!«

Kirgoin: »Hmpf….«

Lanvoc: »Do you see what they’ve done to me!? … They’ve turned me into a hobbit minstrel!!«

Kirgoin grumbles: »Thats not true…«

Lanvoc: »I knew there was something in that beer…«

Nelphindal: »Dwarves are very good drummers … not only carriers«

Lanvoc: »And pie eating bagpippers«

Bruzo: »did you know that dwarfs have a word for the food they find in their beards ?«

Kirgoin: »And we play a marvelous horn«


Priemchen [iBeth]: »Every band has its favourite songs, do you play a specific kind of music?«


Nelphindal: »Yes you prooved that Master Kirgoin«

Lanvoc: »I think we each have a favorite song … Mine is a song by a “Pirate Metal” band, called Magnetic North. (Magnetic North is the song, not the band.«

Friewin: »Mine is “Chicago” by Crosby-Stills-Nash«

Nelphindal: »Im not sure about my favorite …«

Friewin: »Nelph is our serious classical transcoder«

Nelphindal: »… but I can say I prefer the culture – Vivaldi, Haydn, Beethoven, Bach and so on«

Friewin: »Aside from Die Moldaur (sp?)«

Lanvoc: »Nelph is an advocate for music equality. Hehe«

Friewin: »Moldau«

Bruzo: ‘If I had to pick a tune, it’d be … hmmmm«

Beuno: »a good mixture altogether.«

Bruzo: »this is difficult«

Nelphindal: »While you think on yours. I would nominate my one: Vivaldi’s 4 Seasons Spring«

Bruzo: »it changes all the time, it’s actually always the song that I am working to to arrange it for our band«

Beuno: »good choice,Nelphi..though I like the winter also«

Lanvoc: »I’ll be back in just a moment… To much alcohol…«


Priemchen [iBeth]: »So you also like classical music?«


musikalisches Zwischenspiel während des Interviews / musical interlude during the interview

Beuno: »oha«

Bruzo: »songs are like hobbit ladies to me .. I see them, I fall in love and after I … arranged … them I turn to the next one.«

Kirgoin laughs.

Beuno looks at  Bruzo and laughs.

Kirgoin: »He will never marry then…. hehe«

Friewin: »Bruzo is what we call “a rolling stone”. Not at the band, either. Just someone who just keeps moving on«


Priemchen [iBeth]: »Are you planning to play concerts with other bands such as Notenzauber, the Meisterbarden or the Mondbarden?«


Bruzo: »Yes, we definitly aim to play a joined concert with the mondbarden«

Beuno chuckles at Lanvoc: »what??«

Lanvoc: »Hehe«

Nelphindal: »Lanvoc fall into the wardrobe on way to the toilet«

Beuno shows Lanvoc and laughs.

Lanvoc: »Maybe … Like I said… To much alcohol.’

Bruzo: »we’ll try to do that as well with other bands, like “the Meisterbarden”«

Beuno: »eager-beaver«

Lanvoc: »Hehehehe«

Beuno laughs: »hihi … give him a log to chew on«

Bruzo: »Also we’ll visit the little wanderers this year«

Kirgoin grins: »Hobbits …«

Bruzo: »… in their homelands«

Beuno: »You could play with “Die Bärtigen Musen” …hehe«


Priemchen [iBeth]: »What about musical wishes of your fans, do you put those into the playlist or is this too much effort if you are playing live on the stage?«


Kirgoin: »Ähem…«

Lanvoc: »We try to make it happen!«

Friewin: »We ask for requests on our Friday concerts«

Lanvoc: »For our big events, we have a fixed setlist«

Beuno coughs.

Kirgoin: »As every good bard will do«

Lanvoc: »As for our regular Friday shows, I’ll be quite honest. We don’t know what we’re going to play until we ACTUALLY play it … So we can have ten seconds before we need to start a song, and not know what we’re going to play.«

Beuno: »fair play to you«

Friewin: »We usually start with our introYouctory song and then run through the new compositions and then who knows what we’ll play! … Oh, and we have an ending song«

Beuno:»you have a special song at the beginning?«

Friewin: »Which is generally never played the same way twice«

Beuno: »oh«


Friewin: »And we end with Bye Bye Bye by Nsync played (almost) however we want«

Lanvoc: »Yes … Like last night our dwarf friend played it in a way that Bruzo doesn’t allow … Hehe …  We don’t even follow our own rules.«

Nelphindal: »Yes between its 2 hours randomness of our mood«

Friewin: »Because we found if we play wind instruments on a drum part, not only the audience runs away, but so do we!«

Kirgoin: »Hehe«

Beuno: »hihi«

Lanvoc: »But, even though we found that out … We still play the wind instruments on the drum part«

Beuno: »but that’s only on fridays?«

Lanvoc wink: »Maybe.«

Beuno: »hehe«

Friewin glare: »And only if Lanvoc eggs a certain dwarf on.«

Kirgoin grins hugely: »As they say…. they break their own rules sometimes…«

Lanvoc: »Meh«

Beuno chuckles: »Dwarves!«

Nelphindal: »We have rules? Thats new to me«

Lanvoc chuckle: »That would explain why I’m the one that has the most fun after the show, if you know what I mean. The rest of you are to busy following rules.«

Bruzo: »hehe«

Kirgoin: »Hehe«

Beuno chuckles: »The first rule: Nobody talks about the band..hehe«

Lanvoc: »What band?«

Friewin: »true, true Beuno«

Beuno: »More questions,Priemchen?«


Priemchen [iBeth]: »Do you also have a performance part in your shows, such as the Fidels for “the Meisterbarden”?«


Beuno: »ah,good one«

Bruzo: »Well Lanvoc himself is a show!«

Lanvoc: »Hehe«

Friewin: »Yes, he’s a one man show«

Beuno: »With his mask«

Kirgoin: »Haha«

Beuno laughs.

Friewin: »He can sing, dance and emote like a machine«

Bruzo: »some of our fans wear dresses and dance together in the audience«


Priemchen [iBeth]: »Hihi«


Lanvoc: »Some of my lyrics are improvised, as well«

Beuno: »Woah«

Bruzo: »Lanvoc is also a ladies man, I know there are some hobbit lasses here, who always get weak knees when seeing him perform«

Beuno: »oho!«

Lanvoc: »And afterwards give me… encouragement… Hahaha«

Kirgoin: »And what of their fathers or … the Valar forbid…. their mothers?«

Lanvoc: »Well«

Bruzo: »Nah we’re gentlemen«


Priemchen [iBeth]: »You were just talking about dresses, so my next question: Do you wear uniform dresses in your shows?«


Beuno: »old people don’t go to these happenings«

Lanvoc: »We have uniforms«

Beuno: »that’s surprising«

Lanvoc: »Our friend and bandie Melusinae puts them together. Unfortunately, since last year’s weatherstock, I’ve been stuck in a dress – Every Friday…«


Interview 2

Priemchen [iBeth]: »Friewin is wearing the dress you were using on winterstock?«


Beuno: »hehe«

Bruzo: »Yes, indeed«

Beuno: »looks nice«

Friewin: »This was our Winterstock costume but I did wash it since then«

Beuno chuckles at Friewin.

Lanvoc: »At least she says she washed it.However, there’s always an odd odor in the air when she is nearby.«

Beuno: »hihi«

Nelphindal: »Thats you«


Priemchen [iBeth]: »So you don’t have someone washing your costumes and putting them out for the concert?«


Friewin: »You risk a fish slapping, sir«

Nelphindal: »Elves dont smell«

Lanvoc: »Oh, yea, you’re right Nelphindal … Nope!«

Friewin: »Oh yes we do…Melusinae!«

Lanvoc: »We wash our own clothes…«

Friewin: »She is our costume department«

Lanvoc: »Except me, I like the stench.«

Kirgoin laughs.

Beuno laughs: »My dog’s got no nose. But how does it smell? Awful!«

Nelphindal: »And keeps you an area free in front of the stage«

Friewin: »Yes, Bruzo even has a song about how elves smell«

Beuno: »oh«

Bruzo: »It’s about how elven farts don’t smell«

Beuno: »Urks!«

Kirgoin: »Hehe…. interesting lyrics«

Bruzo shakes his head: »you know.. it’s their diet, no meat!«

Friewin: »Between Bruzo and Lanvoc, we have some very….interesting…lyrics«

Nelphindal: »and regular bed times«

Beuno chuckles: »enough details!«

Nelphindal: »Speaking about it. I need to go«


Priemchen [iBeth]: »I saw Bruzo singing at one of your shows, is he the voice of the band or do you all sing sometimes?«


Nelphindal waves goodbye.

Beuno: »I have to leave aswell already.«

Kirgoin bows deeply before Nelphindal.

Lanvoc: »Bruzo and I share that title«

Bruzo: »Actually I’d say Lanvoc is our Main performance singer«

Beuno waves goodbye to Nelphindal.

Kirgoin waves goodbye to Beuno.

Lanvoc: »Bye bye Beuno!«

Kirgoin: »Thenn be well and safe ways Beuno«

Bruzo: »I usually sing but my acting skills are .. weak«

Beuno: »thank you all für having me here«

Lanvoc: »Please, if you’ll look on the Festive Table over there, take a piece of our manager with you.«

Beuno waves goodbye to Priemchen.

Beuno waves goodbye to Bruzo.

Priemchen [iBeth] waves goodbye: »nice that you were here Beuno«

Friewin waves to Beuno.

Lanvoc: »I think I did a great job cooking it.«

Beuno waves goodbye to Lanvoc.

Lanvoc waves goodbye to Beuno.

Thorwinn: »bye beuno«

Beuno waves goodbye: »see you soon«

Lanvoc: »You can tap the keg, too, for a stylish exit :)«

Beuno: »Bye bye,Priemchen«

Tunvil waves: »bye Beuno«

Friewin: »But you’ll lose your pants!!«

Lanvoc: »Bye Beuno! … Nice meeting you!«

Beuno laughs at the keg.

Beuno waves goodbye.

Friewin: »I must leave too, soon«

Kirgoin: »Hm, then I hould also leave shortly’


Priemchen [iBeth]: »Do you see yourselfs as a band rather as hobby musicians or rather semi-professionel?«


Lanvoc: »I would say … That we’re the jack-of-all-trades …We take a professional approach to some aspects, but a more fun one to others.«

Bruzo: »I think we’re mostly hobby musicians, but we try our best!«

Lanvoc: »We have our disagreements and arguments, but we accomplish the goal we aim for: We have great fun doing what we do.«

Bruzo: »overambitious hobby musicians«

Friewin: »We show up on Fridays because we enjoy what we do and we enjoy being with our band mates«


Priemchen [iBeth]: »Can I publish your mail address for your fans?«


Lanvoc: »Uh, you can email me if you’d like: glorgnorbormomsen.abcfiles@gmail.com«

Bruzo: »Yes lanvoc is from now on our mail-manager … Congratulation!«

Friewin: »We also have a website«

Lanvoc: »We also have a website as well: rockandahardplace.weebly.com«

Palwyn:»i must leave now too.. i think it is late now..«

Palwyn waves to everyone.

Lanvoc: »Goodnight Palwyn«

Kirgoin: »Goodbye, Lady Palwyn«

Ranidia: »goodbye palwyn«

Friewin: »farewell and thanks for coming!«


Priemchen [iBeth]: »Do you want to say something to your fans?«


Lanvoc: »DRINK MORE BEER!!!!!!!«

Kirgoin cheers at Lanvoc.

Thorwinn: »yeah«

Kirgoin: »A beautiful last word… hehe«

Friewin: »Come on over to Dwarrowdelf West Stables, Fridays, 4PM server time, have a listen«

Bruzo: »Listen to your parents, go to school and behave!«

Kirgoin looks at Bruzo and laughs.

Lanvoc: »And if you come to our shows, bring me some beer!«

Ranidia: »hehe«

Friewin: »You never know what you may hear because we certainly don’t!«

Kirgoin grins: »I will bring a list with my wishes next time«

Friewin:»Please, do!«

Lanvoc: »Wishes for beer, or wishes for songs?«


Priemchen [iBeth]: »I thank you heartily for the interview and the invitation and hope you had a little bit of fun.«


Lanvoc bows deeply before Priemchen.

Bruzo bows deeply before Priemchen.

Friewin bows deeply.

Kirgoin: »Wishes for songs…. I heard that I have to bring the beer … hehe«

Tunvil pokes Thorwinn. He!

Bruzo: »Ihr seid immer willkommen!«

Lanvoc: »I’ll send you my wishes for beers … Hehe«

Kirgoin: »The only good one is Bomburs Ale«

Bruzo cheers.

Tunvil laughs.

Kirgoin: »Argh….«

Tunvil chuckles.

Priemchen [iBeth] wave to everybody: » Then sleep times and good until another time «

Tunvil laughs.

Kirgoin: »Horrible«

Ranidia laughs.

Lanvoc chuckles.

Kirgoin shakes his head

Bruzo bows deeply before  Priemchen.

Tunvil: »Godd night everybody«

Tunvil waves goodbye to Friewin.

Friewin: »Farewell all and thanks for coming!«

Tunvil waves goodbye to Bruzo.

Tunvil waves goodbye to Lanvoc.

Lanvoc waves goodbye to Tunvil.

Ranidia: »have a good night, bye«

Tunvil waves goodbye to Ranidia.

Ranidia waves goodbye.

Lanvoc: »Good night to all!«

Tunvil waves goodbye to Priemchen.

Thorwinn: »good night to all«

Kirgoin waves goodbye: »Good night to you … Till next time««

Bruzo waves goodbye: »thanks for coming.«

Kirgoin bows deeply before Ranidia.

Tunvil waves goodbye: »Bye«

Priemchen [iBeth]: »Thank you«

Kirgoin: »It was my pleasure«

Thorwinn: »next station pony«

Lanvoc: »To the pony!«





Published by

Lilikate Buggins

Lilikate Buggins from Willowbottom in the Marish loves simple pleasures, food, music, good friends, creatures and a bit of part-time Orc slaying.

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