Dear LOTRO Players,
Spring! Let’s hope we see some warmer weather and flowers this month!
All information is true and correct to the best of my ability, please leave a comment or email me if you wish to have a correction made, or event added.
Check out the Firebrands! All the bands are wonderful but the Firebrands have a most heartening Mounted Country set
Monday 2nd March
Name: Michel Delving Market
Server: Laurelin
Time: 2.30pm to 3.30pm.
Location: Michel Delving.
Name: Nibble and Nobs / Ales and Tales.
Server: Landroval
Time: 8.30 Nibbles – 9.30 t0 11.30 A&T.
Location: Little Delving, Crazy Hat Night!
Name: Elevenses
Server: Crickhollow
Time: 11.oopm to 12.30am
Location: The Bird and Baby Inn, Michel Delving.
Tuesday 3rd March
Name: Michel Delving Market
Server: Laurelin
Time: 2.30pm to 3.30pm.
Location: Michel Delving.
Name: Runic Knights Orchestra
Server: Landroval
Time: 9.00pm
Location: Bree Park.
Wednesday 4th March
Name: Eldar Music Night (Hosted by The Little Wanderers)
Server: Eldar
Time: 2.00pm to 4.00pm
Location: Bree Stage.
Name: Bright Star
Server: Landroval
Time: 9.30pm
Location: The Prancing Pony Rock.
Thursday 5th March
Name: Die Mondbarden
Server: Belegaer
Time: 2.00pm to 4.00pm
Location: Bree Stage
Name: Bird and Baby Yard Party
Server: Laurelin
Time: 2.30 to 4.00pm
Location: The Bird and Baby Inn, Michel Delving.
Name: Concerning Hobbits – Party Time
Server: Landroval
Time: 8.30 to 10.00pm
Location: Bird and Baby Inn, Michel Delving.
The parties feature games, music, pies, light RP, and prizes. Party games (which rotate out week-to-week) include the Bad Joke Contest, Hot Tater, Hide-a-Hobbit, Drunken Backwards Racing, and more.
Name: Maidens of Vanimore
Server: Laurelin
Time: 10pm to 11.30pm GMT
Location: Prancing Pony Rock
Name: Eriador Music Society
Server: Landroval
Time: 10.30pm to 11.30pm
Location: Michel Delving (Statue).
Friday 6th March
Name: Die Meisterbarden Von Bree
Server: Vanyar
Time: 2.00pm to 4.oopm
Location: Auction House, Bree.
Name: Green Dragon Friday
Server: Laurelin
Time: 3.00pm to 5.00pm
Location: Green Dragon Drinking Establishment, Bywater, In The Shire.
Name: A Rock and a Hard Place
Server: Dwarrowdelf
Time: 4.00pm to 5.00pm
Location: West Gate Bree, Opposite the Stable Master.
Name: Bread and Jam
Server: Crickhollow
Time: 9.00pm
Location: Inside- The Prancing Pony Inn, Bree.
Saturday 7th March
Name: The Breakfast Club
Server: Landroval.
Time: 1.00pm
Location: South Bree Stables, Bree Town.
Name: (Rehearsal) The Starlight Orchestra Meets and Greets. (Possibly might play something!)
Server: Landroval
Time: 2.00pm to 3.30pm
Location: The Methel Stage, In the Shire.
Name: The Firebrands
Server: Crickhollow
Time: 3.00pm
Location: Bree Park.
Name: Under The Sunlit Sky
Server: Landroval
Time: 3.00pm to 4.00pm
Location: Outside- The Prancing Pony, Bree.
Name: Animal House
Server: Landroval
Time: 9.00pm to Midnight.
Location: Prancing Pony Stable Courtyard.
Sunday 8th March
Name: Bards, Beers and Long Beards
Server: Landroval
Time: 0.00am (Sat Midnight) to 1.00am.
Location: Outside – Prancing Pony. Bree.
Name: The Andune Ensemble
Server: Landroval
Time: 3.00pm to 4.00pm
Location: Bree Stage.
Name: Les Beaux Chapeaux
Server: Landroval
Time: 10.00pm to 11.30pm
Location: 4 Myrtle Court, Treegarth, The Shire.
Me again!
Since it is the first Saturday of the month, the Breakfast Club concert is on Landroval not Crickhollow.
But if I trick them into being on Landroval they can all come to TSO right after! – Oh alright! I’ll fix it.
I don’t have to trick them
Also the monthly “Sunday Rocks” concert is on Nimrodel on Sunday March 8th at 1 pm EDT.
I’ve just realised that the clocks go forward in America on the 8th so people in Europe need to factor this in for server time start times.