Hello Friends! Welcome to the 14th edition of LOTRO Poems! Woohoo!
Last week my short hiatus from LOTRO ended and I am back full time. Yay! The Casual Raiders have been raiding everyday ever since. Guess I still love raiding, han? We did Tower of Orthanc one night and Draigoch another. The most amazing part was that we took along some folks who had never done those raids before, so it was amazing to see their amazement after our victory. I guess many times we forget that even though someone might be playing for a long time, LOTRO has so many different aspects that there is so much content that many people have yet to experience and enjoy. So cheers for the Casual Raiders who’d take everyone with us for the adventure!
Hmm this Casual Raiders part is getting quite long, you guys think I should ask to start a separate blog series for it?
This week we are going to continue the epic journey of our beloved Aragorn. I have to say, writing this poem has been one of the most amazing experiences I’ve ever had with poetry. If you haven’t read the previous five parts, I encourage you to have a read before you read this one, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 and Part 5.
Estel (Part 6)
The darkness of Moria behind, with golden woods ahead,
Raising our spirits, healing hurts, lifting our dread,
We were taken to see Lady Galadriel, the Noldorion,
The mighty high elf of the West, lady of Lothlorien,
The light of the two trees still shone in her eyes,
The memories of a land far West, where no one dies,
Her golden hair, her elegant style,
Her breathtaking beauty, her amazing smile,
She looked through our hearts, into our souls,
She knew about our secret mission and our hidden goals,
The Elves mourned Mithrandir and sang,
A lament through the woods, an echo rang,
She gave us magical cloaks, lembas bread and an elven rope,
And a mighty bow of Lorien, some daggers and rekindled our hope.
Hope you guys and girls enjoyed this weeks LOTRO Poem. You can check all previous editions by clicking LOTRO Poems. You can follow me on twitter @dgenxali. If you would like to read my non Tolkien poetry, you can checkout my blog dgenxali.wordpress.com. If you play on Brandywine server, you can find me on Estelali, while Estealii if you play on Landroval. Click Casual Raiders if you want to join my kinship. If you want to feature your poem on LOTRO Poems or even send feedback, my email is legendraiderx@gmail.com. Be good and have a wonderful day, Namarie!