Do you want to get into more of Tolkien’s writing but don’t know where to start? Mythgard Academy might be a good place…
J.R.R Tolkien was a prolific writer. From the late 1910s through the 1960s, he somehow found time around his Oxford university duties and family commitments to pen a variety of stories and poems. Most of these revolved around the legendarium we know and love him for. His writing volume was so high that his son Christopher has published numerous books presenting and commenting on his father’s work. The History of Middle-earth, a 12-volume collection, comprises most of this second lifetime of work. Extending from the earliest pieces of what eventually became published in The Silmarillon, it also covers the writing of The Lord of the Rings as well as side projects that never saw the printing press. The first two volumes are The Book of Lost Tales I and II.
Tolkien Professor and friend of LOTRO Players Corey Olsen teaches free courses via Mythgard Academy. The course archives (available in video and audio forms on the Mythgard site or on iTunesU) include interesting walks through The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Unfinished Tales, and Book of Lost Tales I. Corey has now taken on Book of Lost Tales II. The first two sessions, covering Tinúviel, are now available for download. Subsequent sessions will take on Turambar, Gondolin, the Nauglafrin, and Eärendel, then end with Eriol and Ælfwine — Tolkien’s early (and the abandoned) attempt to tie Middle-earth to England.
Live sessions take place virtually via the Mythgard Netmoot on Wednesdays through April 15 at 9:30 pm Eastern time. You can attend live, or snag the audio/video files of past sessions, on the Book of Lost Tales II page on the Mythgard website.