Update 15.2.1 Release Notes

Frelorn has posted the release notes for today’s patch.

To sum it up, not much was in it.

  • Roving threat mobs have been made more difficult (the mobs have reduced health but will do more damage on each attack.)
  • The Pelargir bosses (6-man) have been returned to their normal selves.
  • The Forochel treasure cache that couldn’t previously be reached is now in a much better location.
  • We have fixed an issue that was making some warden legacies double up on their effects occasionally.
  • The broken challenge quests are fixed for the following instances:
    • School at Tham Mirdain
    • Ost Elendil
    • Glinghant


One thought on “Update 15.2.1 Release Notes”

  1. After soloing some of those “more difficult” Roving Threats on my RK, I have to say they didn’t really do a good job at making them harder…

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